The Black Unicorn Chronicles

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PLEASE HELP!!!  I'm not one for causes and such...well, at least not one for dragging everyone I know into them, but this strikes near and dear to my heart.  My mother's youngest sister, Cindy Baker (which makes her my aunt, of course) needs YOUR help.  Please take a few minutes to read this...


Welcome to The Black Unicorn Chronicles, where the ramblings of my slightly off-center mind have found their home.  If you have just wandered in...make yourself comfortable, kick off your shoes and pick a place to start.  I have tried to make it as homey as possible, with a little something for everyone.

I hope you find what you came looking for.  If not, please let me know (and notice my email has changed again!) by sending me a quick note at

And now for something new and fun...I thought I'd make a place here at the Chronicles for the poets of the web to show off all the wonderful work that makes our world a better place...check out Voices.

So, let's see, what's your pleasure today?

Short Fiction?   Poetry?

I only hope that my words are sufficient to entice you to feel something, anything beyond the normal apathy of your daily, read on, and if anything contained within these pages touches your heart or soul...if it pricks the conscience or tickles your humor...please, LET ME KNOW!!!!  I love to hear from folks!

The Black Unicorn Stories--all of the works for which this site is named.

The Vampire Series--the dark mysteries of my none-too-human alter ego...

Other stories--a strange ride through the various worlds that dwell in my imagination...

Poetry--all the stuff that's fit to print,...or not...I'll let you be the judge!

 Post Your Own Poetry on the BUC Posting Board--Use the simple form to send me your work and I will post it here for all the world to see on a page of your own.

Buy some of my favorite books!

A little about me...

BUC Awards

Links to Follow

Thanks for sparing some time from your reality to entertain mine. Drop in any time! 

If you have comments or suggestions,  at

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This page last updated on November 18, 1999