The Bahá'í Youth Workshop is a non-profit agency which prolmulgates
positive messages that find there root in the Bahá'í Faith, through the performing
arts (Dance, Drama, Music, Etc). These different groups
of youth travel to different places, to all sorts of environments, so to share
the message which they harbor. The primial message which they convey is the Unity
of Humanity; that is, in this colorful diversity of peoples of all backgrounds
and cultures, civilization must thrive furthermore in the harmony and celebration
of these differences, and receive each others shares of thoughts and experiences.
Presently there are over 100 workshops in the United States, and about 40 arround the world. Although The Principles which they share are from the Bahá'í Faith, many participants and members of different faiths and creeds join the efforts to establish a postive atmosphere, where a social and spiritual transformation may take place in our society.
The Bahá'í Youth Workshop performs in theaters, schools, parks, clubs, and other places where invited to perform. This group is completely voluntary participation, and performs at any event where their message is welcome.
The Baha'i Youth Workshop Institute (Coordinators Training Institute)
Baha'i Youth Workshop History
A Baha'i World Wide Web Directory
The Presence of The Bahá'í World
(Reset 11-2-98)