A Biography
Hello, my name is Christian Matzke, I am the web editor and creator of Propping up the Mythos. This section is an overview of me, this site, and what changes have been made to it recently.
I have been a Lovecraft fan since I was in High School. I remember the day Mike Parrotto (a long haired death metal fanatic with home-made tattoos) handed me a collection of Lovecraft's work. It was that moronic Del Rey edition with all the skulls and blood and insects on the cover. Very cheesy.
But after reading The Music of Erich Zann, The Whisperer in Darkness and just the first sentence of The Thing on the Doorstep I was hooked. I now own all four volumes of Arkham House's excellent collected works series, nearly all of Chaosium's Cycle Book series and half a dozen other collections of Mythos stories. Believe it or not, my prize possession is an identical copy of that Del Rey collection I read so long ago which I found for a dollar in a used book store.
I started this site because I wanted to share my enthusiasm for the Cthulhu Mythos with others. After making my own Cthulhu statues and Mythos tomes I realized how easy it was to do, and wanted to share my knowledge and experience with others. I hope you are inspired to create something of your own!

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