"I guess I can put two and two together." (woman to Nick Charles)
"Sometimes the answer's four and sometimes it's twenty-two." (Nick)
(Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man, 1934)
The Coptic Gospel of Thomas in Context
Formerly called "The Codex II Student Resource Center" (C2SRC), this is
a resource center for independent research related to Nag Hammadi Codex II.
Featuring the Web's first complete Coptic/English translation of the Gospel of Thomas.

Grondin's Interlinear Coptic/English translation of
The Gospel of Thomas
Other English Translations of Codex II Texts
... (see Op-Ed piece below about Meyer-Patterson translations)
- The bindings of Codex II (back cover, front cover, binding flap)
- Facsimiles of pages 32-51 (The Gospel of Thomas)
- The tau-rho, or staurogram, in the "cross saying" (#55)
"Maps" of the Nag Hammadi Codices
Selected Coptic Fonts & Transliterations
Selected Sources for the Study of Codex II
Op-Ed Pieces
- No Man's Land: The Meyer-Patterson Family of Translations (Jun, '08)
- The DeConick Phenomenon (Feb, '07)
- The Strange Case of the Nancy Johnson Translation (Dec, '06)
- How Many Books Were in the Jar? (Nov, '06)
General Information about this website
Links to Other Sites, Blogs, and E-mail discussion groups
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