These pages were developed by me. They are nothing to shout about as I have absolutely no proper training in webmastering and graphics & design. Trial and error were my best friends. I kicked off doing it for Lancaster University's Malaysian Students' Society back in 1995. The Jabatan Pendidikan Johor Online pages were developed while I was at home waiting for job offers. Since then, most have undergone major changes. They are now maintained by their own webmasters but I can see most of my graphics, layout and concept are still there.

PG@home | unknown zone... | at a glance

mass_s.jpg (4861 bytes)
Malaysian Students' Society
Lancaster University
umno_s.jpg (3970 bytes)
Kelab UMNO Lancaster & Morecambe
jpnj_s.jpg (3947 bytes)
Jabatan Pendidikan Johor
orweb_s.jpg (4117 bytes)
Shell Malaysia Retail Internal Web
mot_s.jpg (4350 bytes)
Moments of Truth:
Retail Customer Service Discussion
superkad_s.jpg (3152 bytes)
SuperKad Services Sdn Bhd
orldweb_s.jpg (4505 bytes)
Shell Retail Learning Department
research_s.jpg (4384 bytes)
Retail Internal Market Research
ro_s.jpg (3778 bytes)
Retail Online: Feedback Channel