Date o' Birth: More than (hummety hum) years ago TODAY (Happy Birthday to me!)
Place o' Birth: KY, USA
Occupation: Researcher (primarily Distributed Simulations)
I'm interested in Evolution.
I've been a netizen for about 25 years.
Yes, the net is much older than what many people believe!
I do community service, mainly tutoring in math and guest-lecturing in CS, and I am the Community Outreach co-Coordinator where I work.
I don't care about politics, but I do think that the world works better when people help each other out.
I used to spend a lot of time debating evolution and creationism.
I used to spend a lot of time debating atheism.
I was raised a baptist.
Evolution is very good science - on par with the theory of gravity.
Neither Intelligent Design, nor any other form of creationism, is science.
Unfortunately, my father-in-law died recently so our family is a little smaller and a little poorer now.
The family I was born into:
I have 3 brothers, a mother, and father.
William Dembski is famous for misrepresenting Wolpert and McCready's NFL (No Free Lunch) theorems as disproving evolution. Michael Behe has introduced the idea of specified complexity - things in nature that could not possibly have evolved without a designer. Jonathan Wells wrote the book, "Icons of Evolution" in which he rehashes the same copiously refuted arguments over which which creationists have already embarrassed themselves.
You can reach K Green at < thefalliblefiend & hotmail * com>