PernMUSH - North Continent

Of all the MUDs and MUSHes I've checked out, the only one I truly love is good old NC. Tons of people, and lots of activity make it a must see for those whose nights are full of the gentle wings of Dragon Dreams. Friendly people and a great atmosphere. They even forgive my bouts of RL!

C'RON (kuh-RONE): Istan rider to Bronze Mammeth
- He used to be a Junior Apprentice Herder before Lyree and Sooth stole him away to Ista Weyr, where he impressed from Rodrith and Isadith's clutch in December 1995. He is in Belior wing and when Tamma and G'rel aren't ordering him about, he has taken up Dragonhealing as well as throwing the occasional Pub Crawl. Currently, RL has seriously claimed the hapless bronzerider, but he promises to visit. :)

DEREK: One of Lord Eleos' Music Students
- A bit of a scoundrel but usually entertaining, Derek has had quite a few misadventures. Rarely sad, sometimes a bit zany, and always romantic; he is the type of guy that naturally attracts gossip. Having finally given up on entering Harper Hall, despite his turns of training under various Master Harpers, he is seeking his niche in his late teens.