Athens/8907: THE GUESTBOOK

Welcome to the Guestbook of Winnifred Louis ... yet another way of contacting me, only more public!

Cuong Ta - 06/21/99 09:35:34
Country: Australia
Most Recently-Watched Movie: The Corrupter

Jerry Tobias - 06/08/99 22:22:15
Country: U.S.
Which of my pages were you reading?: Book list and how to find
Most Recently-Read Book: Fer-de-Lance
You'll find this hard to believe, but I am a mystery fan and, at age 69, this is the first Rex Stout book I have read. Oh, how I regret having missed all the books now out of print. At least, if I find more, it'll be something to look forward to. Thanks for the info on your site. Jerry

kiran - 05/11/99 11:54:18
Country: United Kingdom
Most Recently-Read Book: I dont know any of your books
Most Recently-Watched Movie: Replacement Killers
Favorite Movie: Repalcement Killers
I wrote to you yesterday and I have just recently found out that my birthday is eight days before yours but Im still younger because Ive just turned 15 and I absolutely admired your acting and I want to read some of your books but I but I dont know any go to go will write again bye

kiran - 05/10/99 13:05:35
Country: united kingdom
Most Recently-Watched Movie: Replacement Killers
Favorite Movie: Replacement Killers
I really liked your movie it was wicked and it was my first one that I have seen of yours and I have seen better but it was good I have seen better in alot of indian movies and today i wrote to you on my birthday I really like your acting you really suit a serious role

Judy Hardy - 05/03/99 18:30:27
Country: USA
Which of my pages were you reading?: All
Most Recently-Read Book: The Resistance
Most Recently-Watched Movie: God of Gamblers
Favorite Book: I Know This Much is True
Favorite Movie: The Joy Luck Club
We are new fans of Mr Chow Yun-Fat, the coolest Actor on planet earth. Winnifred's CYF page is awesome, keep up the good work. A long time Jackie Chan fan, I must say "Mr Chow is the King!!" (Sorry Jackie, we still love you) ;)

Supernova - 04/30/99 16:18:18
Country: Singapore
Which of my pages were you reading?: ALL. Every page is NICE
Most Recently-Read Book: My geography textbook
Most Recently-Watched Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: Stephen King: IT
Favorite Movie: God Of Gamblers, God Of Gambler's Return, God Of Gamblers 2, ANYTHING to do with the gambling dynasty with CYF's sidekick Andy Lau
Hee! HI! I thought i was the 2nd guy to sign your book....didn't know my entry was deleted. Anyway, so here i am again, as a CYF and God Of Gamblers fan, i shud sign this again. You recently watched The Conman? Starring Andy Lau and Athena Chu? It's a nice movie, but instead of playing poker or blackjack they play the Big Two. Very unique! And lot's of pple say that this movie is unrelated to the classic God Of Gamblers. Probably this is true, but do u remember at the starting part of the show where Andy Lau placed a small knife into his socks and said to his mistress that he had actually two knives, and she wouldn't get to see the second one? Well, I think the 2nd knife is the sw thblade which Andy Lau had in the classic God Of Gamblers! Remember he took the knife from Ng Man Tat? Then later in GOG 2 where Stephen Chow came into the scene, he challenged him by using his switchblade to chop up the chocalate bits into 4 aces? I thin that's the knife of what Andy Lau was referring to in The Conman. What do you think, huh? =)

henry nguyen - 04/10/99 14:20:19
My Email:none
Country: U.S.A
Which of my pages were you reading?: none
Most Recently-Read Book: none
Most Recently-Watched Movie: none
Favorite Book: none
Favorite Movie: The Replacement Killers
All of your movie is ACTION. I wish you made more ACTION movie and some are half action and half funny like the rush hour.!!!!!

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 08:33:35

Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald. /a>

wendy - 03/22/99 00:46:36
Country: usa
Which of my pages were you reading?: chow yun-fat
Favorite Movie: rush hour
Jackie chan is better

wendy - 03/22/99 00:45:41
Country: usa
Which of my pages were you reading?: chow yan fat
Favorite Movie: rush hour
Jackie chan is better

Desiree M. - 03/22/99 00:04:34
Country: USA
Which of my pages were you reading?: Chow Yun-Fat: God of Actors
Most Recently-Read Book: Mary Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood
Most Recently-Watched Movie: The Corruptor
Favorite Book: Persuasion - Jane Austen
Favorite Movie: The Killer, Gilda (1946), L.A. Confidential
Winnifred, where would we Chow Yun-Fat fans be without your marvelous page? We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude. I've enjoyed Chow's work ever since I saw a badly dubbed copy of "The Killer" back in 1991.

Neal Ford - 03/17/99 19:34:51
Country: Canada
Which of my pages were you reading?: Canada is Cool
Most Recently-Read Book: Whirlwind (James Clavell)
Most Recently-Watched Movie: Entre Ciel et Terre
Favorite Book: Noble House (James Clavell)
Favorite Movie: Spartacus
That this country can survive this temporary flirtation with Pequistes and Reform!

Neal Ford - 03/17/99 19:31:08
Country: Canada
Which of my pages were you reading?: Canada is cool
Most Recently-Watched Movie: Entre Ciel et Terre
Favorite Book: Noble House, by james clavell
Favorite Movie: Spartacus

marc therriault - 03/17/99 16:17:08
Country: rimouski, quebec, canada
Which of my pages were you reading?: all
Most Recently-Read Book: Germany and the Second World War. Volume IV: The Atack on the Soviet Union
Most Recently-Watched Movie: The REplacement KIllers ( for the 15 times)
Favorite Book: The Attack on the Soviet Union
Favorite Movie: HARD BOILED
Thanks for your site. Any Chow Yun Fat and John Woo fan can write me, I am looking to talk with some japanese or chinese girls about HK action films and chinese-japanese culture and history in general. Im an historian finishing my master degree in WWII ge man military history. I am also a big heavy metal, im really into GAMMA RAY, HELLOWEEN, RHAPSODY, PRIMAL FEAR, IRON SAVIOR, etc.. Anyone interested please write me. Thanks. Marc Therriault, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada

trentbing - 03/16/99 22:20:33
Which of my pages were you reading?: all
Most Recently-Watched Movie: hardboiled
Favorite Movie: replacement killers
your site rocks!`

Margaret Probert - 03/14/99 04:36:40
Country: Australia
Which of my pages were you reading?: bio/books
Most Recently-Read Book: have all
Favorite Book: the early ones
Favorite Movie: haven't seen any

Lester D. K. Chow - 03/13/99 15:58:53
My (Remove "NOSPAM.")
Country: USA
Chow Yun-fat and anyone surnamed Chow (Zhou, Chou, Chow) should see your homepage. Signed, President of the Chou Clansmen Association of America. My resume can be found at

Sherry lawson - 02/28/99 00:06:21
Country: england
Which of my pages were you reading?: cyf
Most Recently-Read Book: as before
Most Recently-Watched Movie: better tomorrow 11
to winnifred thank you for sorting out the address for me, i have only recently got my pc and i am getting used to it. the cyf pages are excellent and answered all my questions.if i need any more info or find out anything more on the subject i will let you know. see ou..sherry

sherry lawson - 02/25/99 22:38:37
Country: london.england
Which of my pages were you reading?: cyf
Most Recently-Read Book: star wars vision of the future.
Most Recently-Watched Movie: the replacement killers
Favorite Book: stephen king: the stand
Favorite Movie: god of gamblers & The killer
I just read everyones views, and i am really happy to know that there are some cyf fans out there too! I am looking forward to The corrupter and Kings ransom (thats if they are confirmed) and cant wait to see them. does anybody know if the king and I wil be filmed and will it star Jodie foster? many thanks to you.

Art Fredheim - 02/24/99 05:40:44

Rasinem - 02/12/99 10:35:21
Country: Indonesia
I heard you learn English, can you learn with me? Can you teach me Mandarin?

ray gregory - 01/21/99 00:58:37
Country: usa
Which of my pages were you reading?: lecarre
Most Recently-Read Book: fiction/second angel nonfiction citizen soldier
Most Recently-Watched Movie: don't remenber maybe clint eastwood
Favorite Book: tinker tailoer soldier
Favorite Movie: trains planes and automobiles
good site do you know of an online lecarre discuession group,fan club ect?

- 01/18/99 19:04:21

seth squires - 01/18/99 19:02:43
Country: usa
Which of my pages were you reading?: chow yun fat something
Most Recently-Read Book: the 2tone story
Most Recently-Watched Movie: high and low
Favorite Book: starship troopers
Favorite Movie: the killer
I need stills from the killer and better tommorrow II for a tattoo. Any ideas?

kathleen ardill - 01/16/99 01:41:31
Country: canada
Which of my pages were you reading?: home page and psychology page (cool links)
Most Recently-Read Book: the tree of the red star (or something like that)
Most Recently-Watched Movie: the sculptress
Favorite Book: fall on your knees; the diviners; behind the scenes at the museum (atkinson); raymond carver's collected poems
Favorite Movie: fried green tomatoes; two great movies i've seen recently are Elizabeth and The Celebration
Hey winnifred, Hope you are well. I am doing ok. Actually, pretty good for January.... How is mcgill? Please say a warm hello to professor taylor for me. Mmy life is pretty much the same as when we last saw each other. How was your pride week-end by the way? Mine was excellent. I am still (unfortunately) at chapters. I am looking for a new job in the social services. I am also thinking about going bac to school (yes, another degree...) to become a primary school teacher. Who knows, i am taking it day by day. How is your phd program? I hope you are well. Take care, Kathleen

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