The biggest crime of these blasted psychologists is to have
obscured the obvious.
-- Dorothy Sayers, Gaudy Night.
GREETINGS to everyone stopping by! You are probably the only person who has ever visited
my web page, while I myself have logged in
times since October 2001. Whoohoo!
Please note: This is not a web site about my career as an academic psychologist, but there is some limited information about my professional life here! | I established this web page in 1996 and the experience hugely enriched my life ... The friends I've made; the exciting HK film networking; the Nero Wolfe consulting ... whew! Nevertheless, that was the time of my graduate student frivolity, when I was pursuing my PhD at McGill University, in the psychology department. I am now leading a staid existence as a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Research on Group Processes in the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, and sadly I no longer have a great deal of time to update. |
My new staid lifestyle.
(Hanging out at the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary with Bracken the Koala.)
Go to my one of my old pages: Nero Wolfe, Some Fave Poets, John LeCarre, Chow Yun-Fat....
Last officially modified October 26th, 2001. I originally created this page in August 1996 after learning HTML with help from the
NCSA's Beginner's Guide to HTML.
© 1996-2003 Winnifred Louis
Any of my links not working? More links I should add? Random
commentary? Click on my name to e-mail me! I also have a guestbook, which you are welcome to view or sign. You can also look at an archive of GB entries made June 2005 - Oct 2003, Sept 2002 - Sept 2003, Oct 2001 - August 2002, Jan-Oct 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, or 1997; why you would want to I am not sure.
A Big "Thank You!" to Geocities for
making me a featured homesteader for Athens - when I was "Athens/8907/" in the days when there was an Athens, in the days before Yahoo! Oh, that glorious past .... Oh, that thrilling history .....