Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, thanks for stopping by my web site!
Needless to say that my name is Dianita Sabri. I'm from Indonesia and at present working for PT. Nippon Steel Construction Indonesia (PT. NISCONI) as a secretary. It operates in Oil & Gas Construction. If you are not quite familiar with my country then may have an on line tour.
Well, you want to send me postcard ? I don't mind :-), ok.. let's continue to the other step...


Let's visit my friend's Homepage
Muhammad Ridla
Adrin Tohari
Aviv & Nina
Michael Smith
Eamon Shahir
Ahmad Hidayat
Hendy Rochjanto

Mr. Postman will deliver your email to me.... thanks :-)

All's Best Ends Best
This home is built by Dianita Sabri.
Last updated : August 31,1996

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