Welcome to Reber's Resources

Welcome to Reber's Resources for K-6 Teachers. To old friends and visitors of this site-welcome back! I apologize for not updating the page for a while. Hey, you're all teachers and know how the time thing works. =-)

If this is your first visit here-welcome! This site is intended to help teachers cut down on the amount of time they spend looking for quality sites on the Internet. The sites are organized by categories. Every 2-3 months I will update the "What's New?" page. Make sure you stop by there first to check things out. I also hope to add some original lesson plans and units during the next few months. If you have any that you would like to add, email them to me and I will include them on the list. Don't forget to include the grade level for your plans.

If you know of some great sites that should be included, please let me know. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Would you like to be notified when this page is updated? Please e-mail me at preber@csrlink.net.


What's New??

Updated 12/3/99


Lesson Plans and Units


Curriculum-Related Sites




Great Educational Resources


Search Engines and References


Please e-mail your comments and suggestions to preber@csrlink.net

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Created 2/97

Updated 12/3/99

Designed and mantained by Paula Reber
First-Second Grade Teacher
Kelly Elementary School
Lewisburg Area School District
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania