
Norman's Page

Click here for more quotes
I must study politics and war, that my ...(children).. may study mathematics and philosophy, geography,natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, and music. - John Adams, 1780

Click here to see my new Granddaughter

Welcome to my homepage. I am Norman Smith, a music Teacher and Coach. I live in Montrose, Colorado. I have lived in Western Colorado for all of my life.

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I have eight wonderful children Alissa, Rachel, Derek,JJ, Bart, Jeremy, Jerusha, and Tyler You can see them by clicking their name on the table below. Or see the group by just a simple Click here.
I have tried to raise my own children and pass this winner's creed on to my students. Enjoy the page and please sign the guest book

My Children



Pictures of Alissa's WeddingCLICK HERE!!

Click here to see Bart's College page


I have coached swimming since I was 18. On the age group level and high school level Click here to see about my swimming coach life.


The love of my love is music. I just completed my 24th year as a music educator and choir director Click here to see about my music life. And to hear a sample of one of my songs, The Yellow Dress I wrote for my daughter Alissa's wedding.

Webpage Design

I have found many wonderful graphics from use while constructing webpages.Click here To visit my collections of backgrounds, images, and icons.

Here are some interesting sites I have discovered on the WWW.

DHS SHOW CHOIR DMS Barracuda Swim Team
#Friends Rif - Bruce Fraser #69 #Donnie's Place
Software Rick AJ Softhart
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