Antioch in Manila
God our Father, You who led your people to the promised land. We thank you for reminding us that You will be our God and we shall be your people and for the marvellous ways in which you lead us, your people today - in this particular ministry in serving the young people in the Campus. You call us to make Your Kingdom present in our communities. Forgive us for the times we have failed to allow your coming into our hearts and making You present in our lives. Lead us in your light, Move us by your grace, Touch us with your mercy. Sustain us with your strength, Fill us with hope, so that we may be able to journey as your Chosen people with one mind and one heart. (Pause... to remember each person in the Banyuhay Team.) We make this prayer, through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.
I'll shout it from the mountain top, I want the world to know, the Lord of Love has come to me... I want to pass it on!
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prayer composed by Sr. Mercie Lai, FMDM
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This list is not necessarily limited to those using the original program written by Stephen B. Clark. This is set-up to facilitate greater cooperation and accountability to the ideals of the Antioch Weekend as it was envisioned during its inception at the Notre Dame University. Noteworthy of this list is its openness to the variety of traditions that helped shaped this Antioch Weekend which give rise to various Antioch Manuals and which led to the establishment of an Antioch Movement around the world. We hope that you avail of the services of the Antioch List. May this be a sign of unity among us that have been touched and transformed by the Antioch Weekend.
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