This also the HEAVEN OF JUSTICE or KINGDOM OF GOD.The Bab expressing the epiphany in this realm in the Tafsir Surat al -Kwathar says that "It is the word(kalima) which shone forth(tajallat) above the Ark of Testimony(tabut ash-shahada)in the Pillar of Fire('amud an-nar)upon Mount Horeb(jabal hurib) in the Land of the Kingdom(ard al-malakut)"
Further in the Lawh-I- Varqa Bahaullah writes that:-"The meaning of the Kingdom(Malakut)in its primary sense and degree is the Scene of His Transcendent Glory.In another sense it is the world of Similitudes(Alam-I-mithqal)which existeth between the Dominion on High(jabarut)and this mortal realm(nasut).Whatever is in the heavens or on earth hath its counterpart in that world.Whilst a thing remaineth hidden and concealed within the power of utterance it is said to be of the Dominion(jabarut),and this is the first stage of its substantiation(taqyid).Whenever it becometh manifest it is said to be of the Kingdom(malakut).The power and potency it deriveth from the first stage,it bestoweth upon whatever lieth below."
This realm I would name as our true home or residence and in it essence and attribute exist in a self contained fashion and is totally different from those in Jabarut or Nasut.Even in this realm the Manifestation of God exists but manifests with the form of this realm so as to continue to be a source of guidance.The true form of Manifestation,we will never know albeit the limited form which he manifests in the world of spirits.It is also termed as the All Glorious(abha)Paradise or realm of those "whom neither business nor commerce distract from the remembrance of God."This is the next world or afterlife.The human soul takes on a heavenly form made up of elements of that heavenly realm.The writings tells us it is a world of vision where finally the veils are lifted and true realities are manifest to our eyes.
"The mysteries of which man is heedless in the earthly world,those will he discover in the heavenly world,and there will he be informed of the Secrets of the truth; ."(BNE 190)
The reason being that our consciousness /individual self-awareness remains but riseth to a new level but in a condition where our dimensional-time consciousness would not recognise.This new type of consciousness entails that of participating in and sharing the awareness of others as our own.This special 'coming together' of divine perfections such as love and knowledge in this level of existence opens our self-referential type of consciousness to other realms of consciouness in worlds of God undreamed of.Here we come to a realisation that what is possible to know is truly infinite and that even knowledge contained within each structured stratum is unlimited.Bahaullah poetically described this level of knowledge in the 'Seven Valleys' as:"In the ocean he findeth a drop,in a drop he beholdeth the secrets of the sea."There is merging of clusters of knowledge where knowledge can be known 'all at once in its entirety'It would be akin to being able to see simultaneously both white light and the full spectral display of its colours.Separated knowledge here would be an illusion;on this level;on this level exists the true knowledge of reality,unified and undivided.In the 'Seven Valleys' BAHAULLAH talks about this realm possible for human attainment as the condition where beginning and end are one:" nay they see neither beginning nor end, and witness neither 'first' nor 'last' .for these have passed over the world of names,and fled beyond the world the world of attributes as swift as lightning And they have made their dwelling-place in the shadow of the Essence."
Further Bahaullah adds that detached and purified souls connect with other souls in this world that their powers and joys are so intensified that they blaze as one radiant force.This is what we term 'Concourse on High' in bahai terminology.
"The light which these souls radiate is responsible for the progress of the world and the advancement of its peoples."
"They are a like unto a leaven which leaveneth the world of being,and constitute the animating force through which the arts and wonders of the world are made manifest."
"Through them the clouds rain their bounty upon men and the earth bringeth its fruits."
"All things must needs have a cause,a motive
power,an animating principle.These souls and symbols of detachment
have provided,and will continue to provide,the supreme moving
impulse in the world of being."(GWB pg 156-57)
In this plane man's full potential(in manifestingthe names and attributes of God)is realised. Man then becomes the equivalent of the angels that inhabit this realm.According to Bahaullah:
"By angels is meant those,who reinforced by the power of the spirit,have consumed with fire of the love of God,all human traits and limitations,and have clothed themselves with the attributes of the most exalted Beings and of the cherubim."(KI pg61)
Many of the physical realm's counterpart are found in their true form here and in more clearer manifestation and power.In bahai theologyeverything seems to exist in hierarchy or grades of existence.Reality itself emanates in a kind of hierarhical fashion from the Logos or Primal Will into the kingdoms below it.The existence of the soul in this world is also in a hierarchical model, based on its development in the kingdom below(nasut).The physical universe is,likewise,in perfect correspondence with the spiritual or divine realm.'(PUP pg270)
difference and distinction between men will naturally become realized
after their departure from this mortal world.But this distinction
is not in respect to place,but in respect to the soul and conscience
"The people of Baha,who are inmates of the Ark of God,are one and all,aware of one another's state and condition,and are united in the bonds of intimacy and fellowship.Such a state,however,
must depend upon their faith and conduct.They that of the same grade and station are fully aware of one another'scapacity,character,
accomplishments and merits.They that are of a lower grade;however are incapable of adequately the station,or of estimating the merits of that rank above them.Each shall receive his share from thy Lord."(GWB 169-71)
Bahai Theology of hierarchic nature of reality proposes that each gradient of existence experiences whatever 'consciousness' has already been encoded into that plane.That consciouness of one grade cannot transcend into the grade which is higher but encompasses those below it.It also suggests that the human soul's development is within its own realm and never reaches the consciousness of the Manifestation of God.
In each level there are various degrees of consciousness
or self awareness but in a self contained manner. This is the
kingdom we would yearn for if we had foreknowledge but by God's
wisdom it is veiled.