There is a general schema of the worlds of GOD given in the writings which
indicate a line of thought through which we are enabled to understand Reality.
The schema of the worlds of GOD ARE VERY variable,in some instance they are
broken into two:God and His creation;another into 3:God,the Manifestation of God
and Man:and others that break up into 5 realms.A typical of this type of schemata
is found in the LAWH-I-KULLU'T-TA'AM(TABLET OF ALL FOOD).In this commentary BAHAULLAH
states that there are diverse levels of meaning for the word 'FOOD'.He sets these
levels of meaning in five cosmological realms described by muslim writers:
1)HAHUT:it derives the from the letter HA,which stands for huwiyyaah,or God's
self identity.The BAB in the commentary SURA OF THE ABUNDANCE(TAFSIR SURAT AL-KAWTHAR(sura
108 of the quran)gives qabbalistic explanation of the letter "h"(ha) of
the 'he is'(huwa) of quran 108:3
"Then (the letter ha) signifieth the Everlasting Ipsiety (huwiyya as-samadaniyya)which
beamed forth from the Primordial Ipsiety(huwaiyya al-ula) and gave utterance,unto
and through its ownself,to the Primordial Word in the Self of the Tree(nafs ashshajara)upon
Mount Horeb(jabal hurib)in the holy vale(al-wad al-muqadadas),through a (Sinaitic)TREE(shajara)planted
in the centre of the Land of Divine Power(ard al-jabarut)."
This is the realm of the unknowable Essence of God,the realm of 'HE'(huwa);the
paradise of absolute oness(ahadiyya).In this realm,God is known by such names as
this station all the names and attributes of God are undifferentiated and inseparable
from His ESSENCE.ABDUL BAHA likens this to a dot of ink on paper within which are
hidden and enclosed all letters and words in their potential form,although no trace
can be seen of these nor are they in any way differentiated from the dot in this
state of potentiality.This realm is so exalted that it is forever beyond all the
rest of creation,even the prophets of God have no access to this station.
The action of love within the the Divine Essence results in the manifesting
of the absolute to itself.In this stage,the names of God become defined within the
divine consciousness as the archetypal forms and essence of all created things.However
since this is an event which takes place within the divine consciosness,they are
said to subsist within the Absolute and cannot yet be said to have achieved existence.Therefore
this stage is regarded by Abdul Baha as part of the HIDDEN MYSTERY.
FOLLOWS"...And were they to maintain that by "divine presence" expressed
certain sufis as the "MOST HOLY OUTPOURING",if this is in Essence itself,it
is evident that it hath been eternally in the divine knowledge.Assuming the truth
of this hypothesis,'attainment unto the divine presence'is in this sense obviously
possible to no one,inasmuch as this revelation is confined to the innermost essence,unto
which no man can attain."The way is barred'and all seeking rejected...."