I have two cats, Sinatra and Heidi.
And five specifically I mourn, Princess Snowfish, Casey, .
Two that relocated; Kip & Blondie
Sinatra is a Chocolate point Siamese that I have had 1990. He is a mighty hunter of birds and an archenemy of lizards and that black cat from up the old street. He was the local cat king and frequently held court in my back yard. There, by the light of the pale moon, dozens of local toms would bring their tribute to Sinatra hoping to keep old blue eyes from thrashing them.
Getting a little old now he spends much of his time sleeping, dreaming of slow food and easy pray. This didn't stop him from snatching blue jays and bringing them in the house as his share of the food budget.
As time has gone on he has gotten elderly. Now in Hemet he is thin and a cat of advancing years. He sleeps mostly, though he can still rise to fight off Heidi if she gets loud.
After the loss of Eddie, Karen and I decided to get a new cat. We went to the Ramona Animal Shelter and this wonderful little creature came home with us. a tiny 3 year old calico.
This fireball is a devout counter of lizards and a devote of french fries and potato chips.
Guido was a feral cat in La Verne my mother took pity on. He had been left at the house she bought several years before and never moved on when the owners abandoned him. She took him to Upland with her and eventually brought him out to Hemet. When she passed away in January of 2005 we inherited him.
Now he spends most his time sitting in the window seat, watching the lizards outside and dreaming of escaping the confines of the house.
Rest in Peace and fair the well
Casey was a tabby that I took pity on and was extremely happy I did. Some mean person dropped him off at a local park with a box and a small tray of kibble and just abandoned him. This poor howling, terrified little brood of three kittens was left to fend for themselves in a cruel jungle park of stray dogs and coyotes. Luckily for them there was an SCA event at the park that day. Some kids rescued them and brought them to our attention. Before the day was over I had a new kitten. Casey is named after Casey Stengil, a baseball legend i admire.
I am deeply sad though. Casey died on March 2,1998. He was apparently hit by a car. I only had him a little under three years. He was scared of other people and skittery around them, but he came to sit with me whenever I sat on my couch or went to sleep. I won't find his type again. Casey was with me for so short a time. I will miss him.
It was good that I acquired Casey when I did too. It helped me through the grief of loosing a beloved companion of 18 years. Princess Snowfish was a white cat of mixed ancestry that I had had since 1977. She was dying slowly at the time and was cheered in her last days by the kittenish antics of this orange bundle of energy.
Kip arrived one day at our house in La Verne. A orange tabby kitten. Small, scared, friendly, and deaf. Abandoned at the school next door we took it in. He was the greatest cat. Then one day he was just gone
6 weeks later another cat was returned bearing all the right kip qualities and so we accepted him in as kip. He most likely is but one never knows.
A few months later when mom got a new dog, a yippee little terrier named Gidget, Kip and Blondie decided to relocate and ran off. Kip stayed in the neighborhood. Blondie did not.
Blondie was a orange tabby. Hence the name Blondie. She was a rambunctious little creature tearing around my place at breakneck speeds. Not a terribly friendly cat. He ran off when Gigdet arrived. After many months with no sightings we are certain he fell to the wicked attentions of coyotes or wild dogs
This is my lady's black and white cat that met Sinatra recently. She had had him for 12 years and was a well loved cat able to say the word 'Hello".
For no reason we knew he disappeared one day and never returned. I hope he found a nice family to settle in with because he was a lovable cat.
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