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Unidentified Flying Metallic Toilet Seats
While I was a young boy living in Lemmon Valley, Nevada, I had a
series of experiences which to this day can not be adequately
explained. At least not in any scientific, linear manner. These
experiences, I believe, had an affect on me as a person, and on how
I view and approach life. I am certain any influence or bearing these
experiences may have made upon my self can only be seen as positive.
Below I will attempt to relate these experiences in an open,
clear manner. I do not claim to be fully objective, nor dispassionate
in my accounts.
First Encounter, With A Dozen Other People
I'm about 8 years old. It's the Spring or Summer of 1977 or '78,
in Lemmon Valley, Nevada. It's a small community about 10 miles north
of Reno, in the high desert of Northern Nevada. I'm outside playing
football with my 13-year-old brother Mark, and about a dozen other
neighborhood kids. It's early dusk- still light enough to see the
As we're doing our thing, A light appears in the sky about a
mile from where we're playing. It's not very high in the sky - just
above the horizon. It's quite big, and spherical. At first, it's
orange in color, but as it slowly descends, two things happen: it
gets smaller as it gets closer to the ground; and the color changes,
as well as the intensity of the light. Immediately after it first
appeared, several kids ran off, some screaming, in a panic. The
others, including Mark and myself, just stood there, saying, "Wow!
Whoa!", or whatever. A few did nothing at all, like a rabbit caught
in the headlights. I recall feeling no fear - only curiosity and
wonder. It made no sounds, nor did it emanate heat, considering how
close it was, and how bright. As it got within (I'd estimate)
25 to 30 feet of the ground, it seemed to hover momentarily, then it
changed to a white-light in color and intensity, and disappeared.
But, just before it disappeared, it went in an upward motion
(at about the same time the intensity changed to white-light).
The upward motion lasted for only a split second, then it was gone.
Those of us who stayed to watch the thing, soon headed home.
My brother and I told our parents, and I recall my dad's reaction.
At first, he said it was probably just a flare from something at
Stead Air Base, not far away. But I had seen flares in the past; the
kind the Army guys used, as well as the ones the air planes spit out.
Neither of the military kind changed color, from orange and very
large, through smaller sizes and changing colors, until it was about
the size of a house, and blue. Then it went white, just as it "took
off". To this day, I have seen nothing like it.
Notes On First Sighting
- Occurred at dusk.
- At least 10 people saw it.
- Some were afraid, others not.
- The light changed size, and color.
- From an orange-ish shade, when it was at it's largest size,
to a blue-ish, at it's smallest. Then white-light, for the moment
before it disappeared.
Unidentified Flying Metallic Toilet Bowl Seats and Missing
It's been about a week since the first encounter, with my brother
and the other kids. I find myself walking in the desert behind our
house. It's daylight out, and I'm by myself. I'm watching something.
It's part way behind an outcropping of large boulders, almost at the
top of the hill. It's metallic, sort of silver in color. It's about
the size of a tire on a car. It's round, with a hole in the center,
like a doughnut, but it more closely resembles a toilet seat in size
and general shape. It's spinning very rapidly, and hovering. It
moves up and down, in jerky motions, almost like a hummingbird.
I watch it for several minutes as I walk directly towards it.
It seems to be watching me, sort of hiding behind the pile of
boulders. When I get about 20 feet from it, it zips over the hill,
faster than anything I have ever seen before or after. I run to the
top of the hill to see where it might have gone, but it's nowhere in
sight. I stand up there for several minutes, looking...I look for
someone flying some sort of kite; for someone with a remote
controlled plane of some sort; I look for anything which might
explain what I had just seen. There is nothing nor nobody in sight.
I walk home puzzled, wondering how I came to be out here in the first
place; wondering what the thing was that I was watching.
Notes on the Flying Toilet Seat
- I cannot account for the time prior to the first instant I find
myself behind our house, alone.
- It was broad daylight.
- It was small. About the size of a car or bicycle tire.
- It's geometry was similar to a perfectly round toilet seat.
- The hole in the center made up only about 1/3 the entire size of
the object.
- It (the object) was symmetrical in all dimensions (depth, height,
- It was sort of silver-gray in color. Metallic.
- It appeared to be absolutely smooth-skinned.
- There were no external features, i.e.. lights, doors, et cetera.
- There was no sound, scent, light, or anything physical associated
with it.
- I had no sense of fear - only curiosity. I had (and have still)
no idea why I was walking toward it, or why or how I noticed it
in the first place.
- I watched it for several minutes, as I made my way toward it.
And it appeared to be watching me.
Whatever it was, it was absolutely unique and hitherto
unimaginable to me prior to this experience. To this day, I have
seen nothing like it. Not in the science community; aeronautics; nor
in other accounts of anomalous sightings. The only thing that
comes remotely close is a type of Frisbee, which came out at least
ten years after my encounter with the Unidentified Flying Metallic
Toilet Bowl Seat.
Last Light; Automatic Triggering of Subconscious Fear Impulse
The third and final encounter for me while I was living in Lemmon
Valley occurred shortly after the second. It was in the evening, as
it was dark outside. I was in the living room watching television
with the rest of the family. I was seated on the couch with my mom
and dad. The couch was situated directly across from the front
window - a typical large living room window.
I looked out the window (why, I don't know), and saw a bright
light, not unlike the one I saw with my brother. Instantly, I was
filled with absolute terror. I jumped up onto the couch, and pointed
to the window, screaming, "Oh! No!". The 'light' seemed to hesitate
for a moment, then zoomed off at an incredible rate. It was only
there (I should say, I only saw it...) for a couple seconds.
When I reacted, my dad (I recall his reaction specifically) said,
"Scot! What? What's wrong!?" I could see by the look in his face that
he saw and heard the terror in me. I've heard that parents (some)
know when their child is in pain, afraid, and so on. I'm sure he
knew that I was serious about whatever it was that scared me. Anyway,
I said, still up on the couch, with my back all the way up against
the wall, "There's something outside!" By this time, the 'light' was
gone, but I was none the less still terrorized. My dad went quickly
to the window, then to the front door, and looked outside. He looked
around out there for several minutes, then came back in. He ended up
going back outside several times. When he came back the first time,
he said he saw nothing. He was obviously shaken though, probably
just from my outburst. I told everyone what I saw, but could not
explain why I was so panicked. I didn't know why. Dad tried to
write off the light I described as headlights, or something else
"perfectly explainable", but quite unconvincingly. That was the
last time I saw the Color-changing, size-changing, light, or anything
else anomalous in Lemmon Valley.
Notes on Third Sighting
- Felt fear for first time.
- Survival Instinct triggered subconsciously. My subconscious
knew to be afraid of the light, for some reason. Why? I have
- Nobody else saw it (the light).
- It seemed 'It' was tuned-in to me alone. It almost seems as
though it was inside my mind, like some sort of tool.
All three of these incidents occurred within three weeks of each
other. According to my mom, and my memory, I was under no unusual
stress at the time. My dad never told me anything like, "You were
imagining things", or anything like that. All he would say is things
like, "You very well might have seen something", or, "I don't know
what it was you saw, Scot". This was very important to me, to know my
dad didn't think I was lying, or at least making things up. He was
an intelligent person, who read voraciously, and I valued his opinion
highly. I guess as far as this sort of phenomenon goes, I'd say he
was a skeptic, to the extent that he required certain 'parameters'
be met before he would voice an opinion one way or another on
something. He was not convinced that "U.F.O's" existed as
otherworldly visitors, but believed there was good evidence
showing something was occurring. (More to come...)
If you have experienced anything similar, or have had an encounter
you'd like to share, or if you just want to tell me I'm nuts, please
email me at scotao@sonic.net
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