You can strengthen psychic abilities the same way you would strengthen your body--by exercise. Heighten your psychic awareness by trying to recall the kind of thoughts that merely flit through your mind. You might be surprised how these thoughts connect to a future event. For example, you think of a person and quickly forget about it. Days later, an important event involving this person occurs. By being aware of the original thought, you might take note of the original thought, you might take note of the psychic connection. The following exercises will teach you to listen more closely to the inner workings of your mind.

The alpha state in one of the deep mind relaxation that allows your psychic energies to work unimpeded by distracting thoughts. (This alpha relaxation technique is often used in meditation--which is recommended by doctors and therapists as a way of reducing daily stress).
You can attain this state of relaxation by closing your eyes and thinking of colors, one after the other. Really concentrate on an exact color and then move on to the next one. For example, think of anything red--an apple, the inside of a watermelon. See it exactly. Now picture the color orange--maybe an orange balloon. See it exactly. Then move to yellow. Work your way through various colors. Once you've gone through a sequence of colors (say, six), you should have cleared your mind of interfering thoughts.
Psychic powers work most successfully when the conscious mind is freed of distractions. Now you're ready to go on to the next step--sending and receiving psychic messages.
Clear your mind using the alpha relaxation technique (see above). Now sit quietly and think about who you want to call you. Concentrate on sending a strong thought message using the person's name and asking the person to telephone you. Then wait--a few hours, a day or two--and see whether your experiment has worked.

This game was devised by the well-known psychic, the late David Hoy. While standing in front of a bank of elevators, partly close your eyes and visually picture which elevator door will open first. Really see in your mind the door opening. Usually, your first impression is the correct one. Hoy said that some people get so good at this they can walk right up to the correct door and be waiting there before it opens!
Choose a friend you're close to and trust. Sit facing one another, and reach out and hold each other's hands. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to imagine an energy flow passing from one body to the other. Now your friend should think of a color. Sit quietly and concentrate on "receiving" the color. Psychics say the first color that leaps into your mind is likely to be the one your friend is thinking of.

Play this with a group of friends. The group picks a person (for example, you) who is to receive the psychic message. The group picks another person to send the message. You leave the room. The group then decides on an object and a hiding place for that object; for example a paperclip placed under a lamp. When you return, hold hands with the "sender" and try to receive the message about where the hidden object is. It helps if you walk around the room together. The sender must not give verbal or body clues; he or she can only send mind messages. Psychics say that as you walk together, you'll feel an impulse to go toward the right place and an equal push away from the wrong place. This game is also designed for entertainment, so don't worry if you don't get it right.

Psychometry is an ESP technique that consists of holding an object belonging to someone else (a watch, ring or small article of clothing) and receiving psychic impressions. These impressions usually come in flashes (the word "January", the image of a brick red house) that have no meaning to you but do have a meaning to the person whom the object belongs.
To do this exercise, you need four to six people, and each should have an object of importance. To begin, everyone sits quietly for 10 minutes or so, breathes deeply and relaxes. Then two people are chosen, one of whom is designated the "reader". The other person gives his or her object to the reader, who sits quietly and lets impressions flow through his or her mind. The reader writes down these impressions, however meaningless or ridiculous they may seem. Now the reader reads the notes aloud, and the other person confirms whether or not these impressions have any significance in his or her life.
The process should be repeated with everyone in the group. Psychics say that the interaction of the group listening and responding will heighten psychic awareness!