Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
The eleventh sign of the Zodiac, which shows us true individualists. Usually glamorous people, always friendly, but they are private people who tend to surround themselves with an air of mystery. This is in defense of a specific lifestyle that can lead to conflict when the question arises of deepening an emotional relationship. The ruling planet, Uranus, adds a certain eccentricity and unpredictability, which is not too easy for others to cope with. Aquarius is the last sign of the air element and the fourth of the fixed quality. This makes for an enquiring mind which can ossify once opinions are formed. Like Capricorn, Aquarius does not bestow a generous emotional level (Aquarius once shared Saturn with Capricorn as ruling planet).

Pisces: February 19 - March 20
The twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. Here is the recluse who nevertheless has stunning potential, when it is allowed to blossom -- although often lack of self-confidence prevents a full expression. The ruling planet, Neptune, while encouraging inspiration, sensitivity and vision, can cloud issues. You will know the kindness of Pisceans, but may find them deceptive. Give them encouragement and they will develop greater confidence and belief in what they can do. This is the third and last sign of the water element, and the fourth and last sign of the mutable quality. The emotion of water is encouraged by the mutable quality, and is a powerful force that needs shaping and controlling if it is to work in a rewarding and sastisfying way. Pisceans often have a powerful spiritual faith, which can, however, be diverted into some unconventional cult.

Aries: March 21 - April 19
The entry of the Sun into Aries on or around March 21, marks the beginning of the astrological New Year. The characteristics accurately mirror new beginnings. Here is the most personally oriented of all the signs, and the psychological signal "me first" is synonymous with the forthright, bursting energy of spring growth. It is unlikely that we will fail to notice an Arian in our midst; their enthusiasm and youthful approach is admirable, along with their uncomplicated and hopeful attitude to life. Aries is the first sign of the fire element and the cardinal quality -- all force, all outgoing, all for moving ahead, but also for putting the self first. The fire emphasis ignites enthusiasm and keenness, but that enthusiasm can die quickly. Learning to sustain interest and developing patience is essential. Virtually all Arians have a selfish streak.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20
The second sign of the Zodiac. Stability, security and patience are strong characteristics. Risks are taken only when and if they are essential, and then only after careful consideration. Here is a sign that encourages a steady routine in life. More than anything else, Taureans need emotional security in their relationships and must have material security. Taurus is the first sign of the earth element and and the first of the fixed quality. Earth people are practical -- literally down to earth! Venus, the planet of love, rules this sign and her influence ensures that Taureans have a great love of beauty, are sensual lovers and enjoy luxury. Taureans have a strong possessive streak and even the loved one may become just another possession. The fixed quality of the sign adds to the abundant stability of Taurus, although it may also make its subjects a little stubborn.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20
The third sign of the Zodiac -- the sign of the heavenly twins. These celestial bodies bestow an element of duality which emerges on many levels. Geminians never seem to do only one thing at a time. But it is up to us to remind them that this tendency can get a little out of hand. Their quick wit and need to communicate comes from the influence of their ruling planet, Mercury. This is the first air sign of the zodiac and the first of the mutable quality. Both features complement Gemini, for the mental attributes and quickness of mind are allowed plenty of freedom of expression when released into the air. The mutable quality complements the duality of Gemini -- again encouraging free and positive expression. The influence of Mercury will often add stabalizing, practical or intuitive qualities which will counter flightiness and the tendency to be shallow.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22
The fourth sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Moon. Think of a Cancerian, and you will see the connection. Does this person have a certain facial roundness and paleness, suggesting the full Moon? Is he or she moody and changeable, but kind and sympathetic? This is the sign of motherhood; Cancer is the home-and-family-builder of the zodiac. Cancer is the first water sign and the second of the cardinal quality. Powerful emotions are blended with an equally strong imagination and intuition. These resources must be nurtured, but also controlled and channelled. The cardinal quality of this sign, however, offers control and discipline, often giving the ability to express love and emotion, and enabling Cancerians to spring to the defense of those they love and themselves.

Leo: July 23 - August 22
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, ruled by the Sun. Here that star -- which astrologers for convenience call a planet -- shines at its most powerful from the only sign it rules. The Lion can rule and, yes, at times roar, but Leos will retreat when injured. Here is a powerful, but usually well-hidden, sensitivity. Here, too, is the urge to create. Any Leo who isn't expressing creativity will not be truly fulfilled, and an unfulfilled Leo can be extremely disruptive. Leo is the second sign of the fire element, and the second of the fixed quality. Fiery emotions and enthusiam crackles and burns brightly. The fixity of the sign can lead to stubborness and haughtiness, but on the positive side it adds determination.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Virgo, the sixth sign of the Zodiac, is the second to be ruled by Mercury. Here are the practical workers, but also the critics of the zodiac. They have excellent intellects but lack self-confidence. These days, because their Sun sign characteristics are so well-known, Virgoans may try to develop different characteristics in order to live down a prissy reputation. Here is the second sign of the earth element and the second of the mutable quality. The practical, steady qualities of earth are not very complementary to the mutability of the sign. The influence of Mercury, the ruling planet, gives Virgoans excellent brains but makes them worriers. If Virgoans are creative they will have excellent potential.

Libra: September 23 - October 22
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by Venus. As Aries, the first sign, is the most personal, so this, its polar or opposite sign across the zodiac, is the one most concerned with relating to a partner. Fairness, diplomacy and a sense of justice are very strong indeed, and having a permanent relationship is essential. But there is often an element of resentment, and indecision can cause trouble. Libra is the second sign of the air element and the third of the cardinal quality. These influences work well within the context of the sign, adding lightness and charm, and an outgoing ease. But underlying these characteristics are sterner ones. Many Librans have an aggressive streak, and most do not deserve their reputation for laziness.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
The eighth sign of the Zodiac, and the one with the highest energy level. Its resources of both physical and emotional energy are second to none. Until Pluto was discovered and accepted into the astrological pantheon, Mars, the ruler of Aries and an important factor in physical energy level, ruled Scorpio. But Pluto rules Scorpio now, and its influence develops and energizes the emotional content of that sign. So here is a force to be reckoned with and one that must be understood and channelled. Scorpio is the second sign of the water element and the third of the fixed quality, so here the emotion of water is stilled and intensified. Its force must be positively expressed and directed toward the fulfillment of the individual. An unfulfilled Scorpio can become jealous and restless.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21
The ninth sign -- the sign of the horse and man. A combination of physical strength and energy, and powerful intellect. Here is the second "dual" sign of the zodiac. Versatility will be present, and mind and body should act as one. Rest and relaxation come through both. Jupiter, the ruling planet, encourages both mind and body, along with the need for challenge, and Sagittarians must be aware of this. Here is the third and last of the fire element signs, and the third of the mutable quality. The fire burns strong and bright, with lively enthusiasm and an infectious emotional level. It gives the individual the ability to grasp overall situations very quickly. Optimism abounds. The Sagittarian Centaur is an Archer with a need for room in which to breathe and for a diversity of interests. Sagittarians must always be aware that intellectual and physical stagnation will lead to the restlessness which is their real enemy. While the Sagittarian polar sign, Gemini, is intellectually oriented, there is an accent on the higher mind, which helps develop philosophical traits and quells the tendency to take risks.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
The tenth sign of the Zodiac. Saturn rules the sign and bestows ambition, a need always to do the right and proper thing, and a love of tradition. But Capricorns so have the capacity for enjoyment and always a marvelously offbeat sense of humor. This is the third and last sign of the earth element, and the fourth and last sign of the cardinal quality. The practical side of earth combines with an outgoing, expressive quality, giving common sense and the ability to express in a forthright manner. This is a sign with a rather low emotional level and a distant heart.