Voice Message


Federica Impallomeni's Home Page

From Trofarello (Torino), Italy



Hi!!! - I'll just leave a little info on myself.
I'll get back to decorating as time permits.

I'm 20, and I'm attending college at the Faculty of Biotechnology.

I lived for 2 years in Pittsburgh, PA.
At that time I was 4-5 and I attended CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) Children's School.

I now live in Trofarello, a suburb of 9,000 inhabitants, 10 miles out of Torino, in the North-West of Italy.

I would like to correspond with USA girls/boys, possibly of my age
(but also from other countries you are welcome)
See my E-mail address on the bottom of this page. Bye.

I would appreciate if you could click here and sign my Guestbook

Would you like to view my Guestbook? Click here Sisyphus

My Visitor counter (since August 21, 1996) says there are at least Intelligent People in the World.
Please spread my URL, and come back as often as you like. Thanks.

Animated line



Mouth Off!

Go ahead... mouth off and tell me what you think about my Web site and how I might improve it. I welcome your input and feedback.


Links to other sites on the Web (More links in the other pages of mine)

My Scout organization in Italy
Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA
Art and Museums
My Main City: Turin City Council (in English)
La mia Cittą-Capoluogo: Comune di Torino (in Italian)
How to find E-mail addresses

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Envelope My E-mail address is:

© 1999 fede2@altavista.net

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