Essay Listing

To be fair, please site the author's name, email and the address where the essay can be found when citing from an essay. Thank you to all the contributors; without your contributions, this site would not be here.  If you'd like to add an essay to this site, more details can be found under 'Wanted'.

Emma: A Literary Analysis On Character Technique Contributed by: Vinnie Liu
Those Hideous Creatures Rosemary L. Gainer, Glenville, WV, USA
It's Not the Manners, It's the Message Ramona Leiter
Why Frank Churchill (Emma) is rewarded Miss Julia Smith
Pride and Prejudice: An analysis and reflection Chrissy Chan
Elinor and Marianne Cheryl Hill
How does Jane Austen direct her readers' response to her heroine throughout Northanger Abbey? James Durrant