Welcome to my Guestbook!

cherrywerryberry - 09/26/00 11:52:36
My URL:http://cherrylicious.tripod.com
My Email:cherrylicious@hotmail.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Singapore

Assalamualaikum, round n round i went , n stumbled upon tis pg. think it's cool. keep it up. wassalam, cherry.

farshad behbahani - 06/17/00 11:10:36
My Email:farbeh@home.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Iran

AOA Good work brother. I am one of the five brothers on the board of trustees of the newly formed Irshad Islamic Center here in Chicago. we are working together with Islamic Education Center (IEC), Ahlebeyt Islamic Mission (AIM) and Imam Ali Seminary to dev lop islamic programmes for our community the message alive, Inshallah. I will be in touch inshallah for future joint efforts. Ma salaam. Farshad

Murtuza - 06/12/00 02:16:40
Religion: shia
Country of Origin: pakistan/USA

good work

kaltham ahmed - 01/24/00 17:53:46
My Email:gadeer5@hotmail.com
Religion: Muslim
Country of Origin: UAE

beautifull and I wish to see more pics about 3aza...

h karim - 01/16/00 03:55:01

beutiful change the blue to other color difficut to read

Maryam Mesmarian - 12/29/99 05:39:41
My Email:mesmari@micron.net
Info to add to this site: mustahab things to do durnig the year and month of ramazan
Religion: Muslim
Country of Origin: american iranian

thank you for your nice web site. My whole family enjoyed the resitation of the Holy Quran and the ohter things. once againthank you salam alaykum.

nargis h. jaffer - 12/22/99 05:25:01
My Email:nhjaffer@aol.com
Religion: shia
Country of Origin: mombasa


- 12/20/99 00:25:27
My Email:raza@rmrahim.freeserve.co.uk
Religion: muslim

execelent work. keep it up. may allah bless you.

Mohamed Aqeel Karim - 12/03/99 23:59:05
My Email:mk88@mail.com
Religion: Shia Islam
Country of Origin: Canada

This is a great web site Arif. Good job!!!!!!!

abdul sahrrif - 12/03/99 09:45:11
My Email:abdul_sharrif@yahoo.com

very nice may allah reward you

Mahmoud - 11/20/99 09:20:43
My Email:tarhoob@hotmail.com
Religion: muslim
Country of Origin: palestine

Dear muslims, Islam is Islam! do not try to devid islam!,this home page is really misguding for people,for many reasons. the most important one is that the difference between sunnah and shia was not at all as you mentioned in your web page,there are many ore important reasons, like the way of shia in marrige,which called in arabic "zawaj al-mota'ah",which is considered dultary not marrige at all. so, plaese stop misguiding muslims with this web site, and go back and learn brothers about the real islam,you have to know how good were abu bakir,omar,othman and ali.all of them were really good,not only ali may allah be plaesent with him and the rest o them. wake up people please!

Rizwan - 10/26/99 09:42:10
My URL:http://rizwan.itgo.com
My Email:arifpage@rizwan.itgo.com
Info to add to this site: Yahoo
Religion: Isalam - Shia
Country of Origin: Karachi-Pakistan
Comments: Great Work

Very Nice looking & informative page. Can you help other people to make their own homepages who inspire with your page. God Bless you and Keep it up Gooooood work.. Allah Haifz

Bint-e-Ali - 09/23/99 20:45:59
My Email:alruby@insightkenya.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Kenya

I haven't been on the net long but of all the Islamic sites I've seen this one is the only one that seems to relate and appeal to all ages! Hope you continue with the great work! :O)

ume farwa - 07/24/99 17:04:48
My Email:hasina_t_@hotmail.com
Religion: islam
Country of Origin: u.a.e
Comments: great


Abbas Rizvi - 06/08/99 22:27:26
My URL:http://www.listen.to/nohay
My Email:masoom14@yahoo.com
Info to add to this site: Latest Audio Nohay

Nice page

Zeenat - 06/08/99 21:16:43
My Email:azam@insightkenya.com
Info to add to this site: CHANGING OURSELVES
Religion: ISlam

Arif. c Cann you please add my discussion group to the website??? I'd like to hear from people who are not muslims and what their views are. P.S Cann you also add some new poetry???

Fatma Khakoo - 05/18/99 19:17:49
My Email:fkermali@yahoo.com
Info to add to this site: Something about yourself
Religion: Musilm
Country of Origin: Canada

Hey Arif!!! I must say that you have truly improved this site from the last time I saw it.....I think the only thing missing now is a bit more info about yourself....I guess that'll be all.....bye now... Fatma Khakoo

Fatima Merali - 04/26/99 11:59:41
My Email:master@raha.com
Religion: shiah muslim
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Comments: great work!

This is the best site i've visited,..well done, and may God help you continue this work,... with duas, fatima.

Bho & Emily - 03/26/99 20:41:23
My URL:/Paris/Chateau/8399/index.html
My Email:niceman28@hotmail.com
Religion: Cathelic
Country of Origin: Phillipine

You make me understand your country, religion, culture...etc at a short time. Nice page! I wish I can have such excellent page !

Muhammad Ladak - 03/06/99 22:12:15
My Email:mlk@eoltz.com
Info to add to this site: nauhas/marshiyas
Religion: Shiite
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Comments: great page!

great page keep up the great work may Allah [swt] reward you

Zee S H K - 03/04/99 15:09:23
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~zyee
My Email:zyee@bigfoot.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Singapore

A great site that ought to be featured and linked from any other Islamic site! A job well-done, par excellence!

Sukaina Rajani - 02/28/99 12:40:44
My Email:sukaina@zrajani.freeserve.co.uk
Country of Origin: UNITED KINGDOM


Maryam Khimji - 02/28/99 08:36:02
My Email:m786k@usa.net
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Comments: Good Job!!

This is the best Islamic site I've ever visited..hope all our brothers and sisters can make full use of it. May God guide us on the right path. Ameen.

hussein - 02/28/99 08:23:35
My Email:whizkid18@usa.net
Religion: shia muslim
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Comments: Great work brother.

Very honestly, i haven't gone through the whole site, but indeed i was greatly pleased to see such a great site, a few people make the most of the net, Ma'assalaamat

Sabira Rajani - 02/27/99 00:01:36
My Email:sabirar@hotmail.com
Religion: Shia muslim
Country of Origin: tanzania
Comments: excellent

We really enjoyed your website and one question how were you able to make it.Especially the arabic. Reply soon.

Sabira rajani - 02/26/99 23:57:48
My Email:sabirar@hotmail.com
Religion: Muslim


Kulthum Mohmedali - 02/26/99 22:09:03
My Email:tweety980@juno.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Tanzania

Hi! My name is Kulthum Mohamedali. I'm 11 years old I found this site out cause my dad went to your site, and so I saw it with him. I really like your blue flower background. The info. was very nice, and keep up the good work! Your doing great!

Ayman Karmali - 02/25/99 16:51:32
My Email:akarim3@po-box.mcgill.ca
Info to add to this site: Islam's views and rules on music
Religion: Shia Ithnashari
Country of Origin: Kenya
Comments: A great place for Madressah students

Salam Alaykum brother, Your website is very informative for Muslims and NonMuslim, alike. This is important as the net an international and interreligion place. As a Madreassah teacher an Noor-Ul-Ilm Madressah, in Montreal at Imam Ali (AS) Centre, I'm pleased that we are openin avenues for our children. Our students just finished putting up their webpage on Eid-ul-Fitr. Please visit it if you get a chance and give us some advise: http://members.xoom.com/noorulilm Wassalam.

Aliasgar Devjee - 02/25/99 14:11:30
My URL:http://www.mihrab.com
My Email:mihrab@home.com
Religion: Muslim
Country of Origin: East Africa (Tanzania)

As Salaamum Alaykum. Im just writing you to say your site is quite good. I have not come accross many of this sort before. However i have a favour to ask of you. I am the operator of a small business you may know of called Mihrab Publishers & Book distributors. We sell and publish islamic books and have a web site as well. Would it be possible to link you site to ours and vice versa? it would be greatly appreciated if plausible. Regards; Aliasgar Devjee

Baqir Alloo - 02/25/99 01:53:37
My Email:baqir@yesic.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Tanzania

Congratulations Arif for producing such an interesting and informative web page. It is simple that can be followed by any young or old. Youths like you give us - old people - a hope that we shall overcome our present religious difficulties and survive. Ou unity and focused objective is essential and we need to reach others who are in danger of going astray. Do we hve any established movement in this respect?

mohammad jawad - 02/22/99 21:52:28
My Email:mohammad45@hotmail.com
Religion: islam-shia ithna ashry
Country of Origin: pakistan-karachi
Comments: SALAM

nice to know about your website.may allah give you heavenly inspiration(tawfeeq)keep on contributing for islam,Allah&14 Masoomeens.one more thing.if you know any website which tells about the shia scholars after 12th imam,please send it to me. KHUDA HAFIZ.

mohammad jawad - 02/22/99 21:51:22
My Email:mohammad45@hotmail.com
Religion: islam-shia ithna ashry
Country of Origin: pakistan-karachi
Comments: congrats.

nice to know about your website.may allah give you heavenly inspiration(tawfeeq)keep on contributing for islam,Allah&14 Masoomeens.one more thing.if you know any website which tells about the shia scholars after 12th imam,please send it to me. KHUDA HAFIZ.

Aliasgar Jaffer Devjee - 02/22/99 14:24:03
My URL:www.mihrab.com
My Email:mihrab@home.com
Religion: Shia (Muslim)
Country of Origin: East Africa

Congratulation for such a wonderful work, May Allah s.w.t. help you in such a wonderful Job.

Farhan - 02/22/99 06:21:18
My Email:FKF121@aol.com
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: U.S.A.

Assalaamu 'Alaykum, Great web site. I especially like the part where you talk about how Shi'ah Islam is the True Islam. May Allah bless you for furthering the cause of the Ahlul-Bayt ('Alayhimus-Salaam).

Kaniz Mahmood Mavani - 01/21/99 04:44:19
My Email:farusa@shaw.wave.ca
Info to add to this site: More of audio/video and current events from the calender, (from different shia community)
Religion: Muslim
Country of Origin: Kenya

A/Alaikum Your site looks very good and keep up the Good Work, you will be rewarded by the Almighty God for your timeless effort. The page is attractive and colourful. With Duas Kaniz

Uzma - 01/17/99 00:51:48
My Email:uzma@shoaib.dircon.co.uk
Religion: Muslim
Country of Origin: London; UK
Comments: Alhamdullilah I am really impressed with the work and commitment that you've put into your webpage. There's a lot of useful and friendly information about Islam and your views. Well done!


Zeeshan - 01/03/99 02:39:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/portaloflife/index.html
My Email:Zeus-Productions@usa.net
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Pakistan

Wonderful Job Mate, great info here, i'd be visiting again, hoping you'd continue the good work. Chiao for now.

Nathan "Sinuhe" Letwory - 12/25/98 14:18:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3089
My Email:fanaath@hotmail.com
Info to add to this site: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3089
Religion: Non
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Comments: Hope my advice helped a little


Shoaib - 12/25/98 13:37:40
My URL:http://www.shoaib.dircon.co.uk
My Email:shoaib@dircon.co.uk
Religion: Muslim

Salaams! Well done Arif, your page is really looking good! I'm glad you took my advice and got a guestbook!! E mail me soon!!

zam - 12/24/98 13:06:55
My Email:azam@insightkenya.com
Religion: islam
Country of Origin: kenya
Comments: excellent


Sherbanu Fazal - 12/22/98 10:22:51
My Email:sfazal@usa.net
Religion: Islam
Country of Origin: Kenya

Good job, Arif! I viewed your web page with Shanay Abbas and played the azan for him. He was absolutely thrilled to hear it on the computer. Keep up the good work!!!

Hasnain Fazal - 12/20/98 15:38:14
My Email:ahmadaly@emirates.net.ae
Country of Origin: U.A.E.

this indeed a marvelous idea and the work done on it too. i have not looked at it completely but will do so tonight. see ya later. hasnain

T.Kara - 12/14/98 15:20:02
My Email:karam@sympatico.ca
Religion: Take a wild guess!
Country of Origin: Tanzania, East Africa!

Brother in Islam, What's up? Wow! I am impressed! Never knew you had the talent in computers, but now I know. From, SISTER IN ISLAM:)

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