What we are?
A team of Petersburg schoolchildren, students and their professors
established a new magazine in middle 1992, while resting together in a
summer mathematical camp, called later
It was aimed
to join all those interested young people in discussion of their
worries. The first issue was ready early in 1993.
We published eight issues of the magazine since 1993.
Right now, the publication is kept by the
"EVEREST --- The Third Pole" publishers.
Our topics
Magazine covers lots of fields. We follow the life of schoolchildren
and students of the city, musical festivals, subject competitions
and olympiads. Much attention is paid to problems from various
olympiads and examinations and to scientific publications. As well,
we introduce literature samples by young authors, most of them being
their first ever published.
- The Literature Club
- Mathematics and more...
- The Next to last News
- The School Life
- The Folklore
- The Pedagogical Surveys
- Scouting, "communarship" and other
unions' history is discussed there.
- The Intellectual Games
- "Belles Letters"
- The literature raritets
- J.R.R.T. et al
- The name is speaks for itself.
- "The Literature Software"
- Computer-science humor
- and much more...
The Third Pole editorial board
- Tatiana Belyaeva
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Anastasia Brodotskaya
- St.-Petersburg University, Philological department, classical philology group
- Anastasia Vinogradova
- St.-Petersburg University, Philological department, mathematical linguistic group
- Evgeny Dorofeev
- Natalia Zharkovskaya
- Igor Zhukov
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department,
Higher Algebra and Number Theory Chair
- Sergey Ivanov
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Ruslan Ismailov
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Grigory Kronin
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Konstantin Lavrov
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Olga Pavlova
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
- Andrey Sudakov
- S.-Petersburg department of Mathematical Institute RAS
- Ignat Fialkovsky
- St.-Petersburg University, Department of Physics,
- Margarita Fominykh
- St.-Petersburg University, Math&Mech Department
How to contact us
Contact Phone
- 164-26-67 (Evgeny Dorofeev)
- 261-35-80 (Konstantin Lavrov)
Postal address
- 192071, S.-Petersburg, pr. Slavy, 36, flat 84
"The Third Pole" magazine
- Dorofeev@pdmi.ras.ru (Evgeny Dorofeev)
almira@www.niimm.spb.su (Olga Danilova)