1 5 - 3 :   A   N e w   K i n d   o f   M A R 1 L Y N   M A N 5 O N   S i t e

brought to you by your humble narrator: jonathan nietzsche belial



"Truth is power. But one can see that in rare instances, because it is suffering and must be defeated as long as it is truth. When it has become victorious others will join it. Why? Because it is truth? No, if it had been for that reason they would have joined it when it was suffering. Therefor they don't join it because it has power. They join it after it has become a power because others had joined it."
- Soren Kierkegaard



- A L P H A -



12 9 22 5   12 9 6 5   12 9 11 5   1   20 5 5 14 1 7 5   3 8 18 9 19 20

god is a number you cannot count to