Welcome to The Update Cafe, where the friendly kitchen staff works hard to create new and exciting menu items for the home page or to spice up old favorites! Any selection can be accessed by stepping into the transporter room (site map) and punching the proper code into the main computer. If you would like to order something that is not currently on the menu, please let one of our staff members know. Below you will find a description of what we've been working on recently. (NOTE: The Twitter updates below are in real time, not based on the date of the last change to this Web site.)
![]() Peggy's Twitter Updates![]() UPDATES TO PEGGY HU'S NOTEBOOK ![]() March 17, 2009 Added some navigation buttons to pages, made minor tweaks to the "Update Cafe." February 19, 2009 Revamped the stories section to include some of the writing I do for work. Also added a song parody about Sarah Palin I wrote before the 2008 presidential election and added a new photo of the office band. ![]() August 17, 2008 Added the most recent Kid and Caboodle column. Hope to finish coding and uploading the missing batch of columns in the next few weeks. Also added Twitter updates section and link to Facebook page. ![]() March 29, 2008 I am once again trying out new blog software. The new blog is at http://pegysus.livejournal.com (I've actually been using this blog sporadically since January, but now it's official). Older journals still can be accessed at my Random Musings page, which also contains copies of the columns I have been writing for the Ladies of the Heart E-zine. I also have updated the book log, but I may start incorporating this into my blog rather than keeping it as a separate document. Alternatively, I may just copy and paste whenever I have a blog entry about books; I haven't decided. I enjoy the ease of making blog entries rather than hand-coding pages, but I like having my own copies of important files available in case a server crashes or I decide to change service providers. Stay tuned. ![]() January 14, 2008 I have added a link to my friend David Oxford's triathlon training blog and have made a few technical changes to the site. ![]() January 13, 2008 I have added an avatar and made some other design changes to the front page. I also have made a number of blog entries in the past few months and hope to upload several "Kid and Caboodle" columns soon. ![]() June 18, 2007 I have added the "Kid and Caboodle" column for the May-June issue. I also have written several blog entries and added some more internal links. ![]() April 19, 2007 I have added some information about the Psi Phi Five, the founders of the University of Virginia's science/fiction fantasy club, Psi Phi at Virginia.![]() April 8, 2007 Since the front page of this Web site wasn't doing anything except displaying a nifty Pegasus graphic and a "last updated" notice that became obsolete every time I wrote a blog entry, I decided to make the secondary index page the main one. Right now I am maintaining two separate, but identical index pages on the site until I get around to changing all the links, so please don't be confused. Everything should continue to work, but if you find any broken links during the transition period, please let me know. I also have clarified the copyright situation for the material on this Web site and have updated my autobiography.![]() April 7, 2007 Due to immense frustration with the Yahoo! blog manager program, I have moved four of my journal entries (March 15 (AM), March 15 (PM), March 17 (AM) and March 17 (PM)) from the live blog into the old format and have added "back links" to some of my older journal entries.![]() April 4, 2007 Added the "Kid and Caboodle" column for March-April. I also have made a number of blog entries.![]() March 17, 2007 Made some administrative changes on the site. Also wrote a few entries in the blog. I am becoming increasingly frustrated that Yahoo! keeps putting random paragraph breaks and spaces in my entries and doesn't remember the font face and size I use. If I can't resolve these formatting problems soon, I will probably go back to my old system of manually coding pages.![]() March 15, 2007 I'm trying out Yahoo's blog generator again. The new blog is called Cyber Scribblings.![]() March 1, 2007 Finally got a block of spare time to work on this home page! Added the "Kid and Caboodle" columns for November, December and January-February (the magazine publication schedule has changed). Also added title phrases next to each column in the main listing so readers have some idea of the subject of each column. Lastly, updated the copyright notices for 2007!![]() November 3, 2006 Added the "Kid and Caboodle" column for October.![]() September 16, 2006 Added the "Kid and Caboodle" column for September and updated the reading log.![]() August 28, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() August 22, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() August 15, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() August 13, 2006 Added the July and August "Kid and Caboodle" columns and added a link to the Long Family's Web site. Also added a new journal entry.![]() August 2, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() July 23, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() July 11, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() June 27, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() June 22, 2006 Added a new journal entry and the Kid and Caboodle column for June. Also updated the reading log.![]() June 18, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() June 12, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() June 7, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() May 30, 2006 Added a link to Yvonne Yang's digital photos from the Skyland trip. ![]() May 29, 2006 I have updated the reading log and have added a new journal entry.![]() May 17, 2006 Thanks to a mutual friend, my college roommate and I recently got in touch. I've added a link to her blog. I've also added a link to Hanzi Smatter, a hilarious web site that examines what those "Asian-style" tattoos, T-shirts, pottery designs, and other items "decorated" with Chinese or Japanese characters REALLY mean.![]() May 16, 2006 After struggling for the past few hours trying to reconfigure my Yahoo 360° blog and edit a post, I have decided to deactivate the blog altogether and go back to my old method of posting journal entries. Sorry, Yahoo!, but I really can't incorporate your blog into my web page when you won't let me control my links, page width, font, or images. I established this web page almost 10 years ago, back when it was just Geocities rather than Yahoo!Geocities, and I'm not about to redesign it to accommodate your rigid blog format. So, for all my readers, here is the latest journal entry in the old format. I've also updated the reading log and tweaked some design elements on the site.![]() May 11, 2006 Ok, it's official; I'm joining the blogosphere. The new blog has the same title and theme as my old online journal, but now I don't have to manually code the page and people can comment on individual entries. I am having trouble personalizing some of the settings, though, so please bear with me as I try to wrestle my software into submission. Aside from setting up the new blog, I also added the May "Kid and Caboodle" column and updated the reading log.![]() May 3, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() April 26, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() April 20, 2006 Updated the reading log.![]() April 11, 2006 Added a new journal entry and made a few corrections to some pages.![]() April 9, 2006 Added a new journal entry and updated the reading log.![]() April 5, 2006 Added a new journal entry.![]() April 4, 2006 Added a new journal entry and a link to my co-worker Todd Bullock's blog.![]() April 2, 2006 Added the April "Kid and Caboodle" column to the archive list, updated the book log and redid some links.![]() March 19, 2006 Updated the book log and fixed some formatting problems on the book review pages. ![]() March 15, 2006 Updated the book log and added a new journal entry. ![]() March 9, 2006 Updated the book log and added the March "Kid and Caboodle" column to the archive list. |