Hello everyone! Welcome to the Tour of Rover's Cathedral...i would like to explain how this will work before you get going...

Now, you will travel Rover's Cathedral in its entirety, with the exception of the Nave, which is just a list of the Bays. Your tour guides will be multiple gargoyles, grotesques, and statuaries...each with their own personalities...and an extra added bonus!

i have downloaded many Babylon 5 sounds...and i have given your guides namesakes corresponding to the comments they will be saying along the way...some will be wacky, may seem out of place, but you just gotta use your imagination!

Please, allow me to introduce your tour guides!
Some may have a comment or two about you wanting to take the tour

John Sheridan

Jeffrey Sinclair

Susan Ivanova

Michael Garibaldi

Zak Allen

Dr. Franklin

Londo Mollari



Brother Theo

Begin the tour!

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