Hello, and welcome! i'm Geoffrey, Webmaster of The Cathedral.
This site is dedicated to provide for the public to enjoy the following:
literature(stories, poems, essays, and commentaries), music, discussion
and web-construction stuff...
Site image map to go wherever in Rover's Cathedral that you want
to go. Run your mouse over the Cathedral and your browser at the bottom
should tell you where the link goes!
Narthex-Where you just came from...
South Tower-Will be web resources...
North Tower-Home of my Site Fight Adopted Mascots
North Transcept-Christian Search Engine, Smartclicks, Youth Ring, and my
Guestbook...sign it!!!
South Transcept-Debate Forum...voice your opinions on some questions...Somebody
please go here! No else has 8-(
Choir-Musical center of the Cathedral...i.e. midis
Apse-Look it up if you do not know what it is 8-)~ Literature...
Down the Ambulatory to the Links Chapel
the Ambulatory to the Site Fights Chapel (contains the links to the my
individual SF pages)
the Ambulatory to the Awards Chapel, received and offered!
Gallery of photos that i have taken (black & white)
Nave- links to The Bays (formerly Aisles), which are Collages I am making
as stained glass windows or various galleries.
House- bio and personal stuff
Pulpit- The Commentaries are located there now
© 1996
the Cathedral
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