- BroadPoint Communications
- Student Advantage
- Tucson, Arizona Visitor Information
- Sun Tran
Sun Tran is the primary provider of public transportation in the Tucson Metropolitan area. Fare: 85 cents. Call (520) 792-9222 for personal trip planning.
- Old Pueblo TrolleyIn Tucson, Arizona
Historic electric streetcars operate on track between the Fourth Avenue business district and the University of Arizona. Call (520) 792-1802
- Arizona Tourist News Online
- The University of Arizona
- Exit Information Guide, L.L.C.
Publishers of the Arizona/New Mexico Traveler Discount Guide. An exit by exit guide offering discount travel coupons for hotels and motels. Call 800-222-3948 or (520) 352-371-3948
- Insiders' Publishing Inc.
Publisher of the Insiders' Guide® To Tucson. Locally authored, 500 page in-depth guidebook to Tucson and southern Arizona.
- Madden Publishing, Inc.
Publisher of Tucson Guide Quarterly; Tucson Official Visitors Guide; Tucson & Southern Arizona Golf Guide; Tucson Home--A Buyers & Resource Guide; the Tucson City Map.
- Tucson Lifestyle Monthly Magazine
People, events, business, dining, etc. Other publications: Brides, New Homes Guide, City Guide, Arizona Summer Pleasures, Newcomer's Edition, Golf Communities . Targeting upscale residents, visitors, newcomers.
- NetZero - Free Internet Access Forever (U.S.)
- Freei.Net - Free Nationwide Internet Access (U.S.)
- FreeDrive - The World's First, Free, Internet Hard Drive
- The University of Arizona - Student Link
- The University of Arizona - The Office of International Studies and Fellowships
- University of Arizona Bookstores Online
- AllAdvantage.comGet Paid to Surf the Web
- BigCoupons.com
Looking for coupons on the Web? This new directory offers a comprehensive roundup. Here, you'll find coupons for restaurants, merchants, food, online coupons, local coupons and more.
- SuperCoupsand Coolsavingsoffer online coupons for several retail stores in your area. There is also a subsection catering specifically to college students and college student discount coupons.
- Wal-Mart
- Target
- Wild Oats Market Health Food Stores