Internet Movie Database This Thing is Terrific!
The Boston Red Sox I know they alway lose, but they're my hometeam.
Where I am From:
I am from a town called Natick.
Natick is near
Boston, Massachusetts.
San Diego California, is where I was, up til very recently.
Chat Links
A great big list of chat rooms
Hole is up and running again. Telnet to Hole
Beyond the Grave Try Here too. Telnet to Beyond the Grave
Appeal's place is a little different. Telnet to Dark
Webdog's No longer a running chat room, but some of the links are still valid
Something NEW, a map of the HOLE, drawn by
my brother.
Here are some people I have met (Chat-wise at least)
Zona A great Gal I met in Webdog's
Faye Fizzlepops from San Francisco.
Manda/Redwine who is from Texas, but somehow is still a cool person.
Here's something special... a link to Jabberwocky information.
Chico who I didn't meet on the internet, rather I worked with him while I was
in the Navy.
Other Stuff
A Page of Pictures for you to see.
This is a little navy link to my ship the USS Peleliu
This is a very small picture of George Bush's forehead.