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Welcome to my personal home page. If you are interested in Arizona history, or languages, you should find some interesting material here.

A note about myself: I am a teacher who lives in Globe, Arizona, in the central part of the state. I am native to the area, born in Snowflake (yes, there IS such a place). I am also married and have three girls, all of whom are married. (I'm a grandpa too!)

My interests are music (particularly classical, I perform and write same), history (particularly Arizona), languages (I speak Spanish fluently, enjoy Greek and Latin, have dabbled extensively in Apache, and revel in Lithuanian--my 'heritage' language), computers, and similar intellectual pursuits. Just my bent.

I have been developing some links from this page to other WWW pages regarding the topics mentioned above. Much of the Arizona material I have developed myself. I have a real wealth of information on Arizona history, particularly about the San Carlos Apache people. I live adjacent to the great San Carlos Apache Reservation.



East Central Arizona History
School files in español

Paul R. Machula
7584 S. Six Shooter Cyn.
Globe, AZ 85501

E-Mail to: zybt@geocities.com
This URL is: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8352
First Posted -- 24 August 1996
Last Revised -- 8 August 2006
Copyright © 1996, Paul R. Machula

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