associazione culturale - Kulturzentrum


As a result of a study of the region by Prof. Dr. Roland Günter, when preparing a guide book, he conceived the idea of gathering together a committee comprising various nationalities to create a cultural association that would focus on the following points:

a) to be a meeting point

In which it would be possible to foster a cultural interchange between the local Italian inhabitants and the foreigners who live permanently or from time to time in our area of Tuscany and Umbria.

b) to supply a constant source of information

To encourage a better understanding of the respective cultures, it will be necessary to offer suitable ways and means for an easy approach to the customs and language for those, including the young, who find themselves here either for study, or work or tourism.

c) to promote cultural initiatives

It will be the work of the association to arrange and set up conferences, exhibitions and displays, and thereby encouraging a mutual cultural enrichment.

d) to protect the environment

A priority of association will be the problems of the environment. All matters of concern will be noted and reported, where appropriate discussed. Furthermore, whenever possible, the association will indicate the best way of dealing with these matters.

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