Red Lion Area Senior High School

Choral Music Department Homepage

We welcome you to the Red Lion Area Senior High School choral music department
homepage. The primary purpose of this page is to keep the public informed about the many exciting events happening in the choral department at Red Lion Area Senior Highschool.

Red Lion Area Senior High School is located at 200 Horace Mann Avenue in Red Lion,
Pennsylvania. The Concert Choir took the 1999 Spring tour in London, England. The students had a wonderful time and enjoyed singing in many of the cathedrals in the London area.

The choir tour in Spring 2000 was to Cleveland, Ohio. Students who sold their quota of fundraisers recieved a free trip to see Phantom of the Opera in New York City.

The choral music department has five main opportunities for students, including:

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Page last updated on January, 2006.

| |-Director Tom Wise
|-1999 Spring Tour to London

Red Lion Area Senior High School
200 Horace Mann Avenue
Red Lion, PA 17356

Concert Choir:

Concert Choir is offered to students with above average singing
ability. The Concert Choir meets 5 times a week as a scheduled
class. The class is chosen as an elective and carries a 1.0 weight.
Choir members are graded on cooperation, performance, vocal tests,
and written theory tests. Students must audition
on a yearly basis, regardless of past membership.
Music is sung in 8 different vocal parts:
high(I) and low(II) for each voice(soprano, alto, tenor, and bass).
This year's concert choir consists of 76 members.

Outside of the classroom, the Concert Choir performs 4 concerts in the
school(Fall, Christmas,Winter, and Spring) as well as various other required performances
for churches throughout the community. In the past, the choir nationally and internationally in places such as London, Chicago, Atlanta, and Nashville.

Mixed Chorus:

Mixed Chorus is offered to students who are not interested in
Concert Choir, have not been successful in auditioning for Concert Choir, or wish to be in chorus as an activity. Mixed
Chorus is not part of the school curriculum. Moreover, the
group rehearses once a week during activity period. Mixed
Chorus performs music of a lower level than that of Concert Choir.
There are no requirements to get into Mixed Chorus
except a love for singing.

Show Choir:

The Show Choir is an extracurricular choir that meets once a week
during the evening to practice. All students in Show Choir
are also in Concert Choir and must audition for membership..
The Show Choir dances to and sings contemporary and well-known music.
The dances performed by the Show Choir are choreographed by a member of the group.
The group performs at the Spring Concert and makes various public appearances
throughout the year.

Women's Ensemble:

Women's Ensemble is a group of 8 to 12 ladies selected by
audition to perform a repertoire of 4-part music. The ensemble
practices once a week and performs at churches and
school functions.

Barbershop Quartet:

The Barbershop Quartet, as its name gives away, consists of
4 male singers, including a high tenor(or lead singer), tenor,
baritone, and bass. Most of the music sung by the Barbershop Quartet
is based on old favorites from the American past.
Overall, the music is upbeat and sung in traditional barbershop harmony.
It is quite a thrill to hear music sung by a barbershop quartet.