Michael's Home Education Home Page

Michael's Home Education Home Page

This page contains general home schooling information on curricular areas, information on home schooling in New Hampshire and links to home schooling and education sites. Our approach is to accelerate using eclectic materials in a semi-structured way. Disclaimer: the links below are only informational and do not imply an endorsement for specific programs and products.

Subject Areas and Curricular Information


Home education:

New Hampshire:

I find homeschooling in New Hampshire to be fairly easy, although preparing the notification and evaluation can be a little time consuming. If you are considering moving to New Hampshire and want information on homeschooling, you can call the New Hampshire Board of Education and request their packet of information.


I've found that it is more convenient to order through new and used online booksellers (see my publishers page for links) lately though bookstores are useful if you're starting out as you can browse through their materials.

Educational Resource Centers

Educational Resource Centers typically contain curricular, manipulative and teacher training materials used in Schools of Education at colleges and universities. These are useful for previewing materials before purchasing them or to use them for short periods of time if you have borrowing privileges at these centers.

It's probably best to call or check their web pages to see if they are open to the public along with finding their hours.

Essays and Articles

Essays and articles on home schooling from folks or publications in New Hampshire. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with their points.

Legal Information


Organizations and Support Groups


Last updated on May 26, 2001
Maintained by Michael Moy, mmoy@yahoo.com