If you are thinking of buying
an in-ground concrete swimming pool,
or currently have one under construction,
or if you are a swimming pool owner,

I have been in the pool construction business since 1979, and I know a lot of problems that arise during construction, and how to avoid them, and I hope the information here will help you avoid them too!

I have applied plaster interior finishes in California, Texas, Florida, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Bermuda, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Aruba, and some of my friends have worked across the rest of the country and other parts of the world. In addition to residential pools, I have plastered many commercial pools such as most of the pools in and around Disneyworld in Florida, theme parks like Wet and Wild, and hundreds of resorts, hotels, and apartment complex pools. I am a construction supervisor for a swimming pool plastering sub contractor, in central Florida, that plasters more that 1000 pools per year. I see lots of pools, I talk to lots of customers. I hear their concerns. I know how it is.

"The salesman never told me that."

I have heard that over and over, hopefully this page will help you avoid some pitfalls associated with buying a pool or getting your current pool refurbished.

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If you live in the Orlando Florida area, and are considering giving your pool a facelift, let the largest swimming pool renovation company in Central Florida give you a free estimate.


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