Last updated: August 13, 1999

Welcome: to a smorgasborg of subject areas related to my work as an educational administrator in a school board in the Province of Quebec, Canada.

I have labelled my site at Geocities and assumed the name "Andragog" since my primary work over the past 20 years has been related to Adult Education and andragogy, the educational science of adult learning.

Within the site, I have attempted to break the content into categories that can be accessed by topic. Moreover, you can move within the site via links found on each of the topical pages and/or sub-directories.

Please take the time to look at what is here and then come back again in a few days as updating is ongoing, particularly within the descriptive files of the construction projects.

My World of Work:

An overview of "My World of Work" as an educational administrator in the New Frontiers School Board, Quebec, Canada.

The content includes information on our school board, programs, projects, notes of interest and additional links for viewers that have a general interest in public education.

Links are provided to access sub-directories on:

(Last updated: June 14, 1999)

H.S.Billings Career Education Center Construction File:

A regular weekly update on the renovation and construction of the H.S.Billings Career Education Center in Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada with pictures.

(Last updated: July 27, 1999)

Harmony Elementary School Construction File:

A regular weekly update on the construction of Harmony Elementary School in Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada with pictures. The project is considered complete with only but minor deficiences yet to be addressed and the school had its "Official Opening" on November 11, 1997.

(Final update, the project complete: November 14,1997)

Integration of the Arts:

A Ministry of Culture program for integrating art into public buildings. This sub-page gives a description of the art, drawings and its interpretation that is being integrated into the construction project of the H.S. Billings Career Education Centre.

(Last updated, March 13, 1999)

Lassie in the Chateauguay Valley:

The infamous television program "Lassie" is in the process of a re-shoot and using one of our elementary schools as part of the new program's setting.

(Last updated: November 23,1997)

Telecommunications Project:

A joint project of school boards enhancing the teaching of vocational education through a communications project supporting the network of school boards offering vocational education in the English language in Quebec, Canada.

Links to other sites related to vocational education provided on this page.

(Last updated: February 22, 1999)

New Frontiers School Board's Web Site

PROCEDE (Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors, English)

Links to other sites are availble on each of the sub-pages of this site.

My personal page

(Last updated: March 13, 1999)

I would be happy to hear from you, so, drop a note:

If you wish to contact me.

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Thanks for visiting.

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