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Just for fun I've tried to put up some opinions, facts and everything in between which interest me.

I'm Victor Gan, a 17 year old student of Raffles Junior College in Singapore. I have a diverse set of interests, hobbies, passions which time seldom permits me to explore to the extent that I wish.

IMPORTANT My CD38 report on ADPR cyclase is here.

And my summary report with new graphics is here

NSTS/Event Co. ppl, molecular models are here: ADP and NADH. You may not be able to view the files on the server, just download them and view them on your own computer after installing Chime. Sorry for the complications -- geocities doesn't support these file types-- yet...

You need CHIME or a similar programme to view them.

Also a picture of ADPR cyclase , a related enzyme with the same function as CD38.

Here is a picture of CD38 based on homology with Aplysia cyclase and here is a diagram of conserved residues . Both courtesy of Dave Stout of the Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute.

Here's the stamp club list of activities for 1996-1997: rss1997.doc