Woggie's World

From the mixed up files of K. A. Clements

Hi! I'm K. A. Clements. Welcome to my web page!

Here is a little bit of information about me!

I am a graduate of Capital Univeristy (1998) in Columbus Ohio (Actually, Capital is in Bexley, a suburb of Columbus). I was an elementary education major (K-8) with a concentration in Language Comunications. Instead of doing the usual student teaching, I opted to be involved with the Intern Program in the Gahanna-Jefferson School District (or in other words...I was a student teacher that is in the same school district for the WHOLE year and gets a small paycheck!) YIPEE!

Speaking of Gahanna, check out Middle School East and Jefferson's Web pages. My two cooperating teachers were Mrs. M. Sammons and Mrs. J. Burton. Tell them I sent you. *smile*

I was involved in Alpha Phi Omega, a national service Fraternity. My chapter was Rho Theta. Members of my pledge class went on to careers in the ministry, law, nursing, computer science, education, and biochemistry.

Everyone keeps telling me I need to get my picture on this page. Well....finally, I got around to sticking two of my favorites on my page. The first one, Blondes , is a picture of me, and my friends Val (from Colorado) and Marlene (from Wisconsin). This was taken in January of 1997. I am the smiling one in the middle. The reason I include this picture is because these two women have inspired me to, no matter what the odds, follow my dreams. Thanks Jebbie and Jillian- ! The second picture is really an old picture, but one of my favoirtes. This is my High School Graduation picture taken in November of 1993. The only thing that has changed between when that picture was taken and now is the fact I look a tad older (although NOT a lot) and my hair is a little more organized (Not a lot)!

Lately, people have been asking for new pictures. I have a couple I will share... some better than others. my college graduation picture. It was taken in 1998.

Many of you who have followed my page for years have been asking what I have been doing with myself since I graduated. After teaching 4th grade a job at Emerson Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio during the 1998-1999 school year, I decided substitute for a few years to gain experience. During the 1999-2000 school year, I was a sub for two terrific school districts. Fairborn City Schools and Tecumseh Local Schools both kept me very, very busy! :) For the 2000-2001 school year, I loaned myself to another excellent school district, South-Western City Schools. I worked at Finland Junior High School with 6 wonderful teachers until the end of May, 2001. HI, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Dodson, Ms. Weber, Mr. L!, and Mrs. Mulvany! Really nice people! Good educators, too. I learned a lot from being part of their team for nearly 6 months (never took a sick day (didn't have any to take as a sub) and we didn't have any snow days! Amazing!)

It finally happened. A school district can't live without my services! Middletown City Schools(located in Southwestern part of Ohio)hired me to be a teacher at Wildwood Elementary in their Special Education Department. I am entering my second year as the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade special needs teacher. I am very happy at Wildwood and am delighted to work with a group of talented professionals.

Listed Bellow are some of my favorite educational (and maybe not so educational) links.

Welcome to my world!!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

CHEATERS BEWARE... plagiarism catcher
Our Old Sunday Funny Friends, Jax and Beakman's WWW Page!
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse: A Math/Science Resource that I visit often
The Complete Shakespeare Page
THE DOMINION: The Sci. Fi Channel's Homepage

There are some other address that I feel deserve mention in this spot. These are helpful to educators and students alike. Click on the name to follow the link: Recipes , Time For Kids , National Science Foundation , National Park Service , Discovery Channel Online , M&M's Web Site , Elementary Science Site of the Month , CNN's Page, Smithsonian Site , Crayola Crayons page , Teaching K-8 Magazine , Dr. Seuss' Seussville , Scholastic Network .

Doing research can be a pain for teachers, as well as their students. In researching, I found these sites helpful: Researchpaper.com , National Archives and Records ,

Plus these nice Online Encyclopedias: Encarta , World Book , Grolier's Encylopedia , Britannica Online , Compton's Encyclopedia .

Here are some additional "any time" pages. Kevin and Kel , a comic about arabbit and a fox that are married and have a family.

I hope you enjoyed my web page. If you feel that there is a page that is missing from my page, please feel free to contact me.

E-mail me at stnemelcnitsirk@yahoo.com

This page was edited on August 1, 2002

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