Pandora Richards, a successful commercial artist by day finds an escape in the dance by night. Her favorite night spot, Night Visions, belongs to her best friend, Peter. Tonight Peter has planned a spectacular dance contest at the club and Pandora has planned a major surprize for him. Little does she know that the real surprize is on her. A mysterious stranger has his eye on her while she finds him totally engaging yet annoying. What plans does he have for her? Read on to see.
Daylight broke the stillness of Pandora's apartment. The smell of fresh coffee aroused her senses. She groaned and pulled the pillow beside her over her head to escape the sun's rays and the knowledge that she must get up. The alarm jolted her even further into awakening. When the thought of it being Saturday occurred to her, she smiled. 'This should be a most interesting day,' she grinned as she crawled out of the huge bed.
She had promised Peter that she would help decorate Night Visions. Once a year they put on a dance contest. Tonight was the time for the event. Peter and Angela had just about driven her crazy for two days trying to figure out what she had up her sleeve. Somehow she had managed to keep it all secret, even though she was dying to tell someone. Angela had finally gotten Pandora to tell her that they were going to Night Visions. To Pandora's surprise, Angela was quite excited about the idea of going to such a controversial club. She said that she had always wanted to go, but hadn't met anyone that went.
Pandora and Angela had put down ground rules for their partnership. The first rule was keeping their personal lives out of the office. For the many years that they had worked together, this rule had not been broken. Both had thought that if they became friends outside of the work environment, there might be a chance that such a friendship would color their business relationship. Pandora could not help questioning the opening of the door for an outside friendship with Angela, now. Things had gone so well with them. Yet, she was curious to find out more about her partner. These thoughts and questions flowed through her mind as she enjoyed her morning coffee on the balcony.
After a quick shower and several more cups of coffee, Pandora went to Peter's door and knocked. When he answered, it was obvious that he hadn't been out of bed yet. She had to laugh at the sight of him. She led him to the bathroom and told him to take a shower while she went back to her apartment. There she fixed him a big mug of the remaining coffee and brought it back to him. When he looked as though he were half alive, they left for the club.
Pandora hated to go into the club when the music wasn't playing and the stench of stale beer filled the air. It was hard for her to comprehend that this was the same place that she loved so much. Today she was on a mission. Everything had to be perfect for tonight.
Peter watched her as she tore through the place. She had opened all of the doors. He could finally smell fresh air as the spring breeze drifted through. He smiled when she went behind the bar as if she owned the place retrieving garbage bags for all of the beer cans left from the night before. He washed the glasses that she found under tables, in rafters, and god knows where else. She was working circles around the regular cleaning crew. The tables were all righted and cleaned with stools around them, when she started her decorating.
She was about to start with the first round of crepe' paper when Peter called to her, 'Cinderella! Take a break!' 'Your fairy godmother wants to have a word with you,' he smiled.
Pandora just about fell off of the stool she started to laugh so hard. She had become some intent on her work that she had forgotten that anyone was there. Peter gave her a glass of iced tea. 'Thank you, fairy godmother,' she laughed. She was grateful for the wetness against her dry mouth. She took a deep breath. 'Was I ignoring you?' she smiled.
Peter was so glad to see her in such a good mood. Her smile brightened up the corner of the world where she was when she really used it. 'What has you feeling so good today?' he asked.
Pandora smiled like the cat that ate the canary.
'Don't you turn those womanly wiles on me,' he chuckled. 'You know that it does not work!' he added.
'Peter, not even you can discourage me today!' she smiled even wider.
When he could stand it no longer he asked, 'You know that I just have to find out what you are going to do for the contest tonight, don't you?'
'Oh, Peter,' she pretended rage. 'You are the last person that I would tell,' she said as she stomped away to reclaim her place on the ladder.
'I had to try,' he called to her with a grin.
Peter continued to watch her throughout the afternoon as she transformed the club into a place with a magical quality. 'She has a way with every thing that she does,' he thought to himself. He knew that whatever it was that she had planned, it would be explosive. He really began to get butterflies of excitement. He knew that he would serve a lot of drinks and make a lot of tips with guys in hopes that he will put in a good word for them with her. 'Humph,' he released at the thought.
With the decorating complete, Pandora excused herself to take care of the last minute shopping that she needed to do. She fully intended to surprise everyone at Night Visions. She had visualized for some time, the sensations that she wanted to create. It was based on a fantasy that she had envisioned over and over. She had carefully selected the music as well as the dancers that would assist her. There was a prize for the best show, but that was not what interested Pandora. She wanted to live out her fantasy. Well, at least as far as she could on stage.
Her first stop was the specialty shop that had ordered her costume for her. The clerk smiled at Pandora as she walked through the door. She bought the majority of her "night" outfits there, so she was well known by the staff.
'Hi Pandy!' the young woman greeted her. 'I have your costume all ready for you,' she continued.
As the outfit emerged from it's wrapping, Pandora's eyes grew wide with satisfaction. It was exactly what she had wanted and more. She had designed it herself, and every requirement that she had requested was met to the fullest. 'Ahh! Tell Gregg that I could not be more pleased,' she smiled at the young woman. ‘I hope that he will be able to see me wear it tonight.'
'I know that all of us are hoping to be there, Pandy,' the young woman responded with a smile.
Everything was coming together nicely. Her excitement grew with this realisation. Her senses were heightened, and her smile never ending. Even the manicurist at the salon noticed it. 'My, you are the happy one today,' she said as she buffed Pandora's nails. 'Is there a new man in your life?' she questioned.
'No...' Pandora smiled back at her. 'but I keep hoping,' she giggled. The manicurist winced at the selection of black polish, but she asked no questions. Instead she smiled and continued her work. Pandora relaxed and enjoyed the pampering that she so rarely afforded herself. Her mind replayed the setting that she had in store. She pictured every detail.
The manicurist watched the face of her client. She smiled at the dreamy look that was so obvious. "Oh, what she must have on her mind,' she thought to herself.
As usual, the balcony offered Pandora a quiet place to listen to some music and have a glass of iced tea. It had been a very busy day. She had everything ready to go back to the club. Her costume was neatly packed in a garment bag laying across the bed. She had already showered and gotten ready for her general arrival. She sipped at her tea. She intended to be fully aware of the happenings and sensations tonight, so she left the alcohol alone.
She began to think about Angela. 'Was she really prepared for her partner to see the other side of her?' she questioned. 'What would she think?' she sighed. Just as she was about to call Angela and tell her she was sick and couldn't go, there was a knock at her door. It was too late. She was there. Pandora couldn't believe what she saw when she opened the door. 'Angela?' she asked with a smile.
'Do you like it?' she asked Pandora. Angela had taken on a totally different look. Her full black hair was wild and loose in wavy splendor. Her make-up was perfect. Her eyes seemed to leap from her face. Their blueness gave the appearance of translucency. Around her neck she wore a tight gold link chain that glimmered against her tan skin. A black leather vest barely covered her erupting breasts. The matching mini skirt hugged her hips snugly revealing a firm curvaceous ass. Patterned black stockings were attached to the garters that hung from beneath her skirt. Knee high leather boots with five inch heels made her nearly as tall as Pandora.
'You're beautiful,' Pandora squealed. 'I can't believe you...’ ‘Turn around...’ ‘Let me see more!' she continued. Pandora couldn't believe her eyes. Her fears for the evening melted away. Angela knew exactly where they were going! 'You devil, you!' Pandora added. 'I feel like a wet dish rag next to you!' she sighed.
Angela giggled at Pandora's statements of pleasure. 'Can we go now, please?' she begged Pandora.
Night Visions was already hopping by the time they arrived. Angela's eyes grew as she took in the sounds and sights around her. Pandora got a kick out of watching her reactions. At the bar, Peter had their drinks ready. 'Angela, you look smashing tonight,' he smiled. 'Pandy, what can I say?' he laughed. 'You've finally been out done,' he continued.
With a sly smile Pandora responded, 'Just you wait!' With her nails polished in black, she placed a finger under his chin and clicked her tongue as she snapped it away.
'OOOO, we're in rare form tonight, huh?' he smiled.
Pandora had been able to shut out the music and lights as long as she could. She drank a bit of her cola and motioned for Angela to join her on the dance floor that was already full of moving bodies. The music drifted into Pandora's ears. The arms of her musical lover always calling to her. The rhythm of the sound sent electrical sparks throughout her as she answered the ritual call. Lost in the melodic tones, her muscles that had been so tense, now relaxed. She felt her body respond to every touch of her lover's voice. The transformation was now complete. She was part of the music. Raising her arms to the heavenly lights, she gave thanks. Once more, she was free.
The hour for the dance contest was set for midnight. Pandora had gotten so into the music that she had forgotten herself. When she checked her watch it was eleven forty-five. She smiled at Angela, who was having the time of her life. 'Enjoy your surprise,' she said as she left the floor to dress.
Pandora was the last of six contestants scheduled to perform. Everyone in the club cleared the floor when the MC announced that the time had arrived. A case of nerves had overtaken her. Her confidence wavered. Suddenly she felt unsure of what she was about to do. The contradictory inner voice kept telling her how naughty she was. Looking at her reflection in the mirror of the dressing room, she dismissed the inner voice. Reaffirming her stance she stated firmly to the reflection, 'This is MY night.'
She waited for the other five to leave the changing room before she put the finishing touches on her make-up. Pandora had decided that she would not watch the other contestants perform in order to maintain her own frame of mind. She looked at herself in the mirror. 'Tonight they will see the real me,' she smiled. 'At least what they think is me!' she chuckled to herself. When she had finished, she looked again at herself with a long discerning look. 'Perfect!' she said loudly with satisfaction. With her bathrobe still around her she went to the door of the stage.
The fifth contestant was just finishing her fan dance. Pandora rolled her eyes at the thought of such limited imagination. She was ready to knock their socks off, or whatever else might need removing! She smiled an evil smile at the thought.
Earlier in the week she had met with the lighting engineer and the sound man. She had explained in great detail all that she wanted. It was a tribute to her perfectionism. The time was here. The MC announced the she was the next contestant. Butterflies suddenly hit her stomach again. She downed the drink that Peter had sent to her. She was ready. She removed her bathrobe and took her place on the darkened stage.
A back drop of purple and violet lights revealed the shadow of a woman sitting in front of a mirrorless brass vanity. She brushed the ponytail that was pulled tight to the top of her head. The eerie sounds of Elton John's, "Funeral For A Friend" began to play as the figure rose from her stool. Mist billowed from every side of the dance floor. The lights rose slowly and the details of her costume could be seen. Black leather straps surrounded her naked body. The straps were linked with silver chains and sequin buckles. Body glitter that covered her entire body, reflected the available light. The garter belt that was around her waist led to the black stockings that graced her legs. A purple satin thong covered the neatly shaven bush. Black thigh high paten leather boots with silver spike chain at the ankle and a riding crop completed her costume in its entirety.
Her make-up gave the appearance of a glistening mask upon her face. Her eyes were accented with outlines of black wings that extended into her forehead. The color within the lines of the wings was a lavender glitter paint. Carefully applied lashes extended onto her cheeks when she closed her eyes. Deliberately subtle colors highlight the cheek bones. Her lips moist with the lavender glitter paint match her eyes. Her facial expression was one of no emotion. She gave a look of stony determination.
The unveiling of her appearance brought gasps from the watching audience. Pandora's heart leapt as she felt the excitement growing around her. She knew that she had achieved the initial effect that she had wanted. Her confidence built. She fell into the magic of the sound. The wind howling and the chiming of the clock in the music sent her into a slow, deliberate movement. In slow turns the mists encircle her. The introduction of the melody played by the electric organ, reaches into her soul for a final release of any inhibitions remaining in her. More lights rise gently around her.
The mist moved like an eerie fog across the stage. The dark figures of the male dancers in a prone position on the floor were now distinguishable to the crowd. With the rising of the tempo, their bodies rise to welcome the Dom that towers above them. She cracks the riding crop she holds firmly, against her leg with an echoing snap. With the sound of the whip the men throw up their arms as if to protect themselves from her wrath. Each of the four male dancers has only slave collars around their necks and leather pants and boots. She moves around them with deliberate motion. Her movements echo the sounds and frantic rhythm of the music. The male figures reach out for her touching her legs and thighs. She was well into her dance. Pandora continues sexually teasing the figures at her feet. She arches her back to the touches that she allows them to deliver. Flowing with a limber grace in and out of the hands that reach for her the intensity strengthens. In a fevered pitch she raises her boot to control an over anxious slave. With the crop held over her head, she lowers it in time to the lower pounding sounds, giving the appearance of control over her admirers.
Mimicking moves of sexual activity, she touches her slaves according to her wishes. They respond with the want of more. She allows them a certain amount and then withdraws herself from them. She could feel the warmth growing in living her fantasy out to the fullest. Her mind lost in the visions she now follows her heart. All choreography was put aside. It became an expression of lust and dominance.
Flashing spots twirl on their axis. The mirror ball spins, sending fragments of light throughout the club. The spectators watch in silence and awe at the spectacle. She goes further, allowing the male figures to caress her bare breast and peaked nipples. When she has enough of one dancer she turns and goes to another. Her rocking motions against their bodies give the feeling that a live sex show is in progress.
Pandora dances with everything that she has and some she didn't know existed. She was in an unreal reality. She is taken in by her own setting. She reaches to touch the male figures around her. Feeling the swelling and the heat that the dance was producing. She never felt this much excitement before. It sent her into a plane of freedom like no other had. Her musical lover was giving her the ultimate knowledge of ecstasy. Her heart was bursting with emotion. Every inch of her body craved to be stroked. The thought of 'love lies bleeding in her hands' as revealed in the lyrics, sent bursts of chilling satisfaction throughout her senses.
Suddenly behind her she felt a fifth male. At first she didn't react, except to respond to the hands that he placed on either side of her hips pulling her into his body. The two moved together as if they were making love with rear entry while standing. The sensation thrilled her. The swelling of his large muscle was evident as he pulled her closer to him in time to the music. Back and forth they swayed. He pushed her roughly forward while holding her waist. His hips thrashed against her buttocks in a slapping "doggie style" fashion. They other male figures continued to stroke her legs, breasts, and thighs. She felt faint. Momentarily regaining her thoughts she, turned to face the figure that had taken his place behind her. The man was dressed just as the other males were, except he wore no slave collar and his face was obscured by a leather mask that he wore around his eyes. He dipped her back into a major arch of her body, lifting one of her booted legs high into the air above his head. She could see only the hazel eyes that pierced into her own. She gasped, trying to catch her breath. She recognised those eyes! Confusion swept through her like a bucket of cold water. He smiled softly as he pulled her to him, kissing her deep and rough. He held her tightly with one arm and played with her ass using the other. With the ending crescendo, he dropped to one knee and lowered her with him. They stared into each other's eyes. The stage darkened except for the background lighting. The crowd rose to their feet in a roar of thunderous applause and cheers.
Pandora removed herself from his hold and stood to accept the cheers offered. Wavering slightly, she regained her footing. With a dangerous glare thrown in the direction of those hazel eyes, she left the dance floor. Her mind ran amuck with what seemed to be thousands of questions. 'How had he found out what she was going to do?' she thought. 'Why...’ ‘What...’ her mind raced. "Who was this guy?' seemed to be the best question yet.
Pandora paced the floor of the dressing room in anger at what she determined was a ruined performance. She had made every preparation with such care. Peter entered the room and observed her tantrum in progress. His wide smile turned into confusion. He had been astounded by the performance. The crowd outside was still reeling from its effect on them. She had promised a surprise and damned if she hadn't delivered it! He couldn't have been more pleased. 'Pandy,' he started carefully, 'that was spectacular!'
A look of disgust darted from her towards him. 'It was ruined!' she screeched.
'How?' Peter asked.
'That, that, that...intruding asshole!' she yelled clenching her fists. 'I had it all planned,' she moaned. 'I wanted it to be perfect.' she said near tears.
'Pandy, it was perfect!' Peter smiled. He took her hands in his and pulled her fingers out to relax the tight fists that she held. 'Sweetie, the MC needs you back out there now,' he said softly trying to calm her. 'You won!' he smiled.
She looked up to meet his eyes. She forced a smile to her face.
'Come on you Vamp,' he laughed, 'please appear for your waiting fans.' Peter accompanied her to the stage holding her hand. He raised it into the air in a victorious tribute.
The crowd was again on their feet yelling sounds of adoration. Pandora had to smile. She wondered if perhaps her fantasy had twists and turns that even she didn't know about. Her smile turned into light hearted laughter when she saw Angela jumping up and down as if she was on a pogo stick. Pandora searched the crowd for the stranger that had intruded upon her dance, but he was no where to be found. 'Coward,' she thought to herself.
Want to know more? Secret Lives of Pandora Richards will be published soon. Stay tuned for more previews and release date.