Table of Contents
Recent Postings Page
The Bill of Rights and Jefferson
Charlton Heston: "Winning the Cultural War"
Education and Schools
On Equality
The Jefferson Memorial
The Laboring Classes
The Wall of Separation Between Church and State
Why Didn't Jefferson Free His Slaves?
- The Sally Hemings Controversy
- Sections preceded by a
contain H-SHEAR postings.
Use of H-SHEAR Postings
- Why Investigate the Jefferson-Hemings Question?
The Scholars Commission Report
Further DNA Testing
A Racial Profile of the Hemingses
Jefferson, Slavery, and Miscegenation
Focusing on Sally Hemings
Was Sally Promiscuous?
- The Children of Sally Hemings
The Kinds of Evidence
Legal vs. Historical Evidence
- False TJ-SH Information on the Internet
Morality at Monticello
Sally Hemings: Subject of Gender Bias?
Assessing Historical Methods
- Historian Joseph Ellis Falsifies His Past
- Historiography and the Jefferson-Hemings Myth
- Is History an Illusion?
Search This Site for Any Word of Phrase
HE exchanges on these pages began as an email conversation. The discussion was moved to this website in order to make it available to a larger number of participants and to put it in a more readable and lasting format. The discussions are presented here with a minimum of editing; the text is in a subject-related order, rather than in the sequence in which it might occur on something like a Newsgroup or Discussion Club.
The purpose of this forum is intelligent discussion, analysis, and critical evaluation of questions related to political and social issues from a Jeffersonian point of view. Other points of view are welcome, but the intent here is to examine those views with Jeffersonian principles. Visitors to this website are encouraged to join in these conversations by posting their comments, questions, etc., in the form provided at the bottom of each page.
Comments will be posted temporarily in the order received, and in their original form, on the Recent Postings Page (See also Table of Contents to your left). Those same postings will be included permanently under the proper headings on these pages.
You may register to receive the latest postings to this website via email by going to the
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The discussion here is moderated but not censored. Only improper or unrelated comment will be excluded. The editor will not post comments that consist of ridicule, name-calling, personal insults, or inflammatory accusations based on unreasoned and unsupported opinions. In general, all comments should be in the form of a "Letter to the Editor," and not be directed to any other person who has posted a message. Please refrain from comments that only repeat or agree with something already said, and bear in mind that comments are not posted automatically, but usually within one or two days.
Created July 4, 2001