Welcome to the home of the LanHunters.
You are visitor
about 5:02pm, Saturday, November 15, 1997.
((counter had to be reset due to new procedures for adding them))
Last modified: 10:40am, Thursday, September 11, 1997 (Pacific Time)
Okay... I know it's been a long long while since I last updated the homepage...
and hopefully it hasn't done too much to hurt our rep. Well... I am now
reflecting the change back to the Undernet, and am willing to take more
submissions for the poems. Email
me with any submissions. Oh, I can certainly use more pictures. Wolves
preferably. If you're a visitor who's stumbled accross this homepage..
please feel free to email me with any questions, submissions, poems, etc...
I'll be more than happy to take them and put them up. And, I promise to
actually work on this page more. :)
WolfSpirit News
Well... I am in need of submissions to the homepage. There has been a whole
lot of talk of getting the pack History together... and making a master
list of birthdays, etc. As of late, I haven't heard much about this, but
I'd be more than happy to help... and maybe even host something to this
The first edition of the "WolfSpirit
Coyote News" was put out... A VERY long time ago. I want
to set up the second edition, but can't, until someone sends me stuff!! :).
If you've stumbled accross this page, please, feel more than welcome to
read it. :) Unfortunately, I haven't had any submissions for the Next edition.
I REALLY want to put it out.. and am VERY anxious on hearing what you all
want to see in the WS newsletter :) P L E A S E!!!! DCC me if you see me
on channel... or email me and pray that I get it!!
Well... www.wolfspirit.org is
up and beautiful. There isn't much that ISN'T up there! Still... I REALLY
want to get the Second edition of Wolfspirit Coyote out. It's not that
I've been slacking off.. it's that I have nothing to put in it. This is
a VERY VERY big howl-out for stuff!! SEND IT IN PEOPLES!!!
(side note... I'm now the system administrator of confused.wolfspirit.org!
If there are things you need to run on a server, email me and I'll see
if confused will let me do it ;) )
This is the Latest... as told by:
T-Wolf Beta LanHunter
Welcome to the land of the LanHunters, a pack of wolves who roam the endless
forest on the Undernet in IRC. If you mean no harm to the pack, and wish
to meet us, come to #WolfSpirit.
Introduction to The Pack
#WolfSpirit is not a roleplaying channel... all of us have true WolfSpirit,
and we welcome all those who also have WolfSpirit. If you wish to roleplay,
#TheCavern is available for your use. After reading this... you may wonder
what WolfSpirit is. It's a philosophy based on how wolves live... and is
truely unique. Part of having WolfSpirit is the ability to be an individual...
living as such... and making yourself able to function as a group. While
deciding in which neighborhood to place this webpage... I narrowed the
search down to two possibilities... The Environmental Area, and this one...
the one devoted to Philosophy, Writing, Poetry, and Education. Finally
I decided to place it here because our purpose is not for Wolves... but
for the Wolves inside us... the part of us that longs to hunt and play...
and just be Wolves. That's really all that I can say about it... about
being drawn here... and such.
Pack Rule is held by the Pack Leader (aka "Alpha Male"), who holds supreme
command, but can be challenged by his closest subordinate, who may fight
against him (the Pack Protector, or "Beta Male"). Under the protector are
the Elders, of which there are several.
The Pack's Elders Are...
BlkWolfLH - Pack Leader - Alpha Male
AliCatLH - Alpha Female
T-Wolf/Scarwolf - Pack Protector - Beta Male
WolfCub/WolfSong - Elder-Protector
Belgarath - Elder
SpiderWlf - Elder
WolfCry - Elder
Greywulf - Elder
Redwulf - Elder
Gypsywolf - Elder
Ghostwolf - Elder
Mystywolf - Elder
WolFang - Elder
WolfRam - Elder
CidWolfLH - Elder
UPDATE: The Elder's List is NOT, I repeat NOT out of date any more :) (so
much for
Oh... wanna see the current list of pack members? if so... you'll have
to wait till I get the RIGHT link up :)
Well, here are some interesting links... you might like to try
Misc. Links
LanHunters' and Pack Friends' Links
Heck... I'll even put in YOUR personal homepage if you're a LanHunter!
email me, please!
Hey Wolves!! now that Cubbie has his MUD inside him... I can give ya
a link to it! :) Remember... only those who've cleared an account with
BlkWolfLH can telnet to him...
If you've got an account... click
here! to enter cubby!
I'll get more links in here, as soon as I remember the urls...
If you're interested... come on to #WolfSpirit, on the Undernet (us.undernet.org).
Some of my favorite servers-
Server |
IP number |
Available Ports |
lowell.ma.us.undernet.org | |
6661-6669 |
vancouver.bc.ca.undernet.org | |
6661-6680 |
sandiego.ca.us.undernet.org | |
6661-6669 |
dallas.tx.us.undernet.org | |
6661-6669 |
or... you can email me
if you need any additional help, or servers :)
any LH have any pics for me to add? any of the links not work? anything?
email me, please...
Comments are WELCOME!!! email: scarwolf@wolfspirit.org