I hope you will enjoy your visit here. This site has a variety of articles, ranging from travel-log, Indian arts and philosophy, Indian temple rituals, my poems and funny things that have been sent to me. On the international side of things, I have included articles on my travels in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

I hope your visit will encourage you to find out more about India and it's culture. The site certainly hopes to inform, encourage and stimulate your interest in India's art, history, religion and people. On the whole, I hope this will be an interesting visit for you.

If you have any comments or suggestions on how I can improve my Home Page, please write to my mail box, Bhagwat_S@Yahoo.com


Like the delicate dew, Song of the cuckoo.

Passing breeze, and Passion of the bee,

Life is just too short!!

more poems

The pictures, icons and backgrounds used on this site come from a number of different sites that I have visited. If any of the items are copy-righted, please inform me at Bhagwat_S@Yahoo.com.com immediately. I will be more than happy to credit the correct person(s).

Thank you for your visit. Please come and visit again.

Be aware, Be Safe.