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African Family History Network
This web site is intended to be a link for family historians in Africa, and especially in Southern Africa. Family history is linked to other branches of history -- local history, social history, church history and so on. The aim of this site is to encourage cooperation between these branches of historical studies, and between amateur and professional historians. If you are interested in any of these topics, please contribute by posting messages in the message board, suggesting links, and contributing material for the pages themselves.
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This web site does not represent any organisation, group or institution. There is no committee or constitution. There are no membership fees to pay. The title of the main page on the site is African family history network. What is this "network" and why do we call it that?
The purpose of this web site is to try to link groups and who are interested in family history in Africa, and especially in Southern Africa. Such people may be academic or non-academic. They may be black or white. They may be professional historians (or anthropologists or sociologists) or they may be amateur genealogists trying to trace the history of their own families.
We have called it a network because we want to link people whose work or interest touches on family history at some point. There are groups or organisations whose concerns are linked to family history. To give just one example, there is a group in South Africa that is promoting a "memory box" project for people who are suffering from Aids. As the Aids epidemic spreads, there will be more and more Aids orphans -- children whose parents have died when they are young, and who will be cared for by strangers. The memory box project aims to give them some knowledge of their parents, and their family history.
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Message boards
If you are interested in African family history and genealogy, you might like to join the African family history and discussion forum, This forum is for people interested in exchaning information about family history and genealogy anywhere on the African continent, and also discussing the links between family history and other branches of history -- general, social, political, economic, religious etc.
Join the African Genealogy and Family History Discussion Forum

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These pages maintained by
Steve Hayes
Created: 12 March 2001
Updated: 31 July 2006