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WORLDCHAT is a discussion forum in which people from various countries around the world have made friends. This page gives information on how to join the conference by subscribing to an e-mail mailing list. It has list of some of the regular participants, past and present, with links to their e-mail addresses, and personal web pages, if any.
It began as a conference on BBS networks, but it became more difficult to keep in touch that way, since the number of BBSs kept dropping, and so now it is run as an e-mail mailing list on Yahoo Groups, though you can also participate via the Web if you like.
Participating in the Worldchat conference is a good way of keeping in touch with the people who participate in it. It's a bit like a dinner party without the dinner - though you can, of course have your own dinner while you join in - just don't spill anything on the keyboard! Almost any topic can be discussed - some are light-hearted, some are serious. Most discussions are concerned with differences in culture and language between different countries, politics, religion, the weather etc. The main rule for participation to to be friendly and avoid flaming. Particpants should be able to disagree without being disagreeable.

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If you've lost touch with old friends completely, whether you knew them in BBS conferences, at school, or elsewhere, there is always the possibility that they are looking for you. Try the link below to see if there are old friends who would like to get in touch...
- Who's who in WORLDCHAT
- How to join WORLDCHAT
- Sign our visitors book to let us know you've been here
- Web messaging
Should you join?
- If you know two or more people on the list of participants, and like chatting to them, then you must join
- If you know at least one person in the list of participants, and like chatting to them, then you should join, because you might get to like some of the others too
- If you don't know anyone on the list of participants, but two or more of them sound as though they might be interesting, check their web pages (if any) to see if they are the kind of people you'd like to chat with
- If you know one or more people on the list of participants and wish you didn't, then don't join
- If you don't know anyone on the list of participants, and are glad that you don't, then don't join
- Julie Belding -
Medium height, brown hair, a wordie, likes language, computers, and eating out;
dislikes exercise, parties and housework.
- Sue Fairhead -
I enjoy reading and writing, and bringing up my children although home education
is something new and challenging. I very much appreciate my email and echo
friends while living far away from home and family (in England). I also enjoy
chocolate. E-mail me
- Carl Fortunato -
I live on the Upper West Side of New York City, which is my favorite place to
live on all the earth. I'm an acolyte in an Anglican Cathedral
(www.stjohndivine.org). I'm an actor who belongs to a comedy troupe called "Riot
Act," which is directed by my beloved wife, Francesca, and I also belong to a
theatre company called "The Play's the Thing" (www.theplay.org), and am a member
of the Episcopal Actor's Guild (www.actorsguild.org). Aside from that, I am an
(occasionally) working musician, playing mainly keyboard, but a few other things
as well. I can occasionally be seen busking in the New York City subways, just
to keep in practice.
- Dawn Harvey -
Member of TOPS since July 1998; Homeschooling my children; trying to get
organized! Easier said than done, I'm afraid! I'm good at organizing OTHER
PEOPLE's things (LOL!) but can't seem to get my own stuff in order. Well, at
least I'm trying :) Been a member of OFF_TOPIC since it started (charter member,
they call that, don't they?) but lost contact when we switched to the Internet,
until I found it as a mailing list about a year ago. Glad to be back!! E-mail me
- Steve Hayes -
I'm an Orthodox Christian and a freelance editor writer and researcher. My
hobbies are family history, BBSing and reading. I like reading history and
theology, and in fiction I like fantasy, especially the work of C.S. Lewis,
Tolkien and Charles Williams; also Beat Generation writers like Jack Kerouac.
I'm interested in the relation between religion, ideology, culture and language,
and enjoy discussions of language usage and cultural differences between people.
I keep a database of African Independent Churches, and am interested in the
application of computers to missiological research. E-mail me
- Bob Henson -
Pharmacist, Ex Fidonet BBS sysop, computer fanatic, interested in anything under
the Sun. Favourite "soap box" topic - the degenerating standards in life, and
what we should do to put it right - beginning to despair of ever changing
anything, but still battling on. Once described myself as a "Don Quixote" to
David Rance, probably as good a description as I'll ever think of, unless King
Canute fits the bill better? E-mail
- Paul Mazumdar -
1702mm high, too many mm wide, 88000g heavy, half Indian, half British, all
Welsh but living in England. E-mail me
- Kenneth A O'Shaughnessy -
Kenneth A O'Shaughnessy Engineer, Executive Kitchens, Inc
keno@executivekitchens.com Editor, The SC Libertarian gclp@att.net E-mail me
- David Rance -
Although now worshipping at an Anglican Church I was brought up a Baptist and
have worshipped in most nonconformist denominations, even Roman Catholic while
in France. I'm interested in music, diy, writing software (C and assembly
language) and cooking. E-mail
- Thomas Alex Riggle -
This chubby and balding native Seattleite enjoys spending time with friends and
family, but doesn't watch tv. Hates action/ adventure movies. Would rather play
catch with the kids. When you say dylan he thinks you're talking about Dylan
Thomas. E-mail me
- Jane Smith -
A Brit who has always been politically incoreect - which is why she emigrated to
South Africa while it still had apartheid. Religion: Apostate. Politics:
Libertarian. English editor by trade. Interests: weaving, porcelain doll-making,
- Lindsay Walker -
My mother used to call me a long, thin slab of misery: 1,91m, 75kg. Thinning
floppy hair, melancholic horsey face, glasses. I have not yet decided what I
want to be when I grow up.
- Paul Waters -
I grew up in England, took a BA in Linguistics at Reading Uni, came to Norway in
1989 to work for the Salvation Army. Met my wife here. Lost all my hair a couple
of years ago - got some back now (see web-site). E-mail me
Add or change your description
If your details in the list above need to be changed, or if you aren't in the list but want to be, you can add or revise the information by using the Who's who form. It is posted every few weeks in the WORLDCHAT conference, but if you can't wait, you can request it by e-mail from
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There are a couple of ways of joining and taking part in the discussions. Here are some of them
- Web page
- E-mail mailing list
You can log in to the Worldchat web page right now - just click here.
You log in and register as a user for the first time, and just remember your password in future. IKf you have a Yahoo! ID, and are logged in as that, you can use it for the conference.
If you would like to use this method in future, note and bookmark the URL now:
Here's how you can subscribe by e-mail:
If you click on one of the above links, your mailer should open up so you can enter a message. Just send it. Simple as that!
If you have any problems subscribing or unsubscribing, send e-mail to:
Steve Hayes
To send a message to the conference itself from e-mail, address it to:
Don't send unsubscribe messages to that address. It won't work, and it will just frustrate you and annoy other users,
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This page maintained by
Steve Hayes
Please see web page for contact information
e-mail address may overflow because of spam
Started: 1998-01-26
Updated: 2005-09-25