Lotsa Links
This page now protein-enriched, lemon-charged and flouride-boosted for faster download. (But as always, you are dependent on the phone lines between wherever you are and Timbuktu.)
Blah blah blah a statement from the author...
Okay, I capitulate. This page is just links. Not just any links mind you, but hand-selected links which meet my strict criteria (which you'll work out as you browse through).
Okay, I know this chapter is a cruel & bitter disappointment after the two previous chapters of wit and wisdom. I'll try, I really will, to add pithy and amusing comments, but really it's a case of so many links, so little time. The WWW is really a testament to the fact that there are a lot of wonderful wackos out there.
Having your own web page is just vanity publishing, but not a tree is felled for the paper, not a squid squeezed for the ink. The middleman is cut out and you can say what you like. And I like pointers to interesting places. Here goes:
Derek's Big Website of Supermarket Receipts
Andrew Havocski's
way cool homepageIs this groovy guy Andrew's cousin?
"Hi Girls, Anyone want to chat?" Just imagine, girls, this sleazebag could be on the other end of your chat session.
Hello? The Mojave Phone Booth SiteWhich side of the road do they drive on...?
Give Me a Dollar! I don't think this link works. Try Rate-a-Beggar
The Bulwer-Lytton
Fiction ContestSoYouWanna.com teaches you how to do all the things nobody taught you in school.
Janet's Nice Jewish Girl Home Page
"Yes, I am offering a $10,000 reward to anyone that introduces me to the woman that I marry (or propose to)."
Still looking it seems
(We could introduce Rod & Janet, but he's probably not kosher, this guy is probably not goy.)Ceej (she's married).
Route 66
Historic Route 66
Would you lie naked on a scanner, all in the name of art? Let-Me-Stay-For-A-Day.com James McIntyre: The Cheese Poet The Chaucer of Cheese: Canada's Worst Poet
Dull Men's Club A place in cyberspace where Dull Men can share thoughts and experiences, free from pressures to be "in and trendy," to enjoy instead the simple, ordinary things of everyday life.
Dirty Sole Society WE ARE A GROUP OF PEOPLE who love going barefoot pretty much everywhere, all the time (not just around the house or at the beach), as a lifestyle choice, including out and about on streets, stores, in the country, and hiking. Set your feet free and your mind will follow...
The Museum of Dirt "I consider myself polyamorous..." (read on @ karawynn.net)
Where did we go last week? Our weekly Top 100 ranking of web sites visited by Australians
crystal waters - http://www.typo.com/
M e d i a R a r e - design & music for the web & beyond
Barking Spider Andrea rieniets: Fluently Helvetica Great singer.
Maggy's world glassdog world domination headquarters
SOUSED ( b e t w e e n the l i n e s ) and Aliennachos (they're the same but different... or maybe not.)
Eliza is a computer program to whom (which?) you are invited to pour your heart out with your most intimate troubles. Cheap psychiatry. Poetry Daily, a new poem every day.
~| Charlie Lester's Ethéreal Esotérica 137 |~ c o n s p i r e telling you what you need to know before you know you need to know it
Center of C H A O S Luddites On-Line Luddites? On the web?
TimeTicker and the time tickers... This excellent site tells you the time anywhere in the world
NB: requires version 4+ browserBetter: The World Time Server - correct, current, local
About Daylight Saving Time - History, rationale, laws and dates
NONAGS A lot of software.
The Slate Report Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who invented the World Wide Web in 1991.
James Mackay's Rich Selection of Bookmarks
The Jesus Homepage
Why not? Everyone else has one.Cool Central
Sherlock Holmes (the Internet Consulting Detective)
Someone who should have a web page but doesn't (apart from this clipping).
Graceland They say he lives upstairs.
Sun Studio - Memphis, Tenn. Where it all started
After writing a six-page letter in which he suggested being made a "'Federal Agent-at-Large' in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs," Elvis Presley visited President Nixon on December 21, 1970.
Project Cool Jamie Zawinski
This guy works (or worked) for Netscape. At first he seems pretentious (his job is described as "hacker") but there's some very good stuff here.So many links! So little time!
(but I'm about to dump some of these links for no better reason than I'm a bit bored with them. If you like 'em, bookmark 'em yourself.)
But hang on, let's take a break from the links for a moment . . .
A few years ago I used to write short stories. Like an awful lot of people, I thought I had the Great Australian Novel lurking somewhere inside me, but it needed time to brew and ferment. The mistake I made was not starting earlier.
I submitted various stories to various magazines with no success. That combined with my changing circumstances saw my spark sputter out.
But then, years later, I came across some of these stories, and that combined with access to an OCR scanner, persuades me to say: what's the use of vanity publishing if you don't do some vanity! So here's some vanity: it's a story called The Don Freeling Effect.
And another, Methodists & Catholics.
And Running away,
Work, &
Still more later.
Are you happy? Unless you're not happy you might not have thought much about it. And if you're not happy then you might not be in the best frame of mind to do much about it. Still, have a look at this transcript of an interview with an Oxford University psychologist.
E-mail me and tell me what a wonderful experience visiting this page is!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | MS | TV | Critics | Disabled Travel | My Trip | My Home
*Shakespeare, in case you didn't guess. Romeo & Juliet, act 2 scene 2.
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