Humanism WebRing
Email Lists

Humanist Institute Class X
starts Dec. 1999
Still space for a few more students!

This webring is for homepages on the subject of humanism.  For a definition of humanism see the front page of this site (home).  (All decisions of the webmaster are final.)

To join the site, select a page on your website where you’ll put the ring links, and submit that page below.  (If you want your site’s entry page listed, in other words, you’ll need to enter that site into the webring and put the webring code on that site.)

After you’ve submitted your site, add the required HTML code you’ll receive in an email to your site.  Then wait a day to a week, until the webmaster of this site can check your code.  (You can write to if you think we’ve forgotten you; sometimes our email notifications of additions to the webring are lost in cyberspace.)

If you receive a notice later about changes in the link code, please make those changes within 2-4 weeks of receiving the notification.  And please, if you move or delete your page, let us know so that we can modify the webring (or modify your own entry as directed in the welcome email).  That way others won’t find a dead link as they follow the webring.

Now, here’s where you submit your site:

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.


If you know your site number in the ring but don’t have the required HTML fragment, you can substitute the site number for XXX in the URL below and get your fragment at that address.  If your browser shows the URL on more than one line, be sure to combine it into a single one:;id=XX X;htmlcode


This Humanist Homepages site owned by Humanism Online.
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This site copyright 1998, 1999 -- all rights reserved.  If you have additional links you would like to have us consider for addition to this site, please send them to Thanks! And please be patient,  we are volunteers.

This web site uses the Georgia font -- download it free from Microsoft.

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