LineRider's Home Page
Updated 11/28/96
Neighbor to my Left
| GeoCities
| Neighbor to my Right
Welcome to my home page! This page looks best in Netscape (Times 10 point). I have been a long-time member of the AOL online community and used to spend time in the Writers Club and the Religion and Ethics areas. As an agnostic and freethinker, I often haunted the Atheism message board, but I was worn down by all the proselytizers who just couldn't go away and leave us the hell alone. I also used to spend a considerable effort debating Creationists, but I got tired of refuting the same arguments over and over again. Arguing with people who are living in an earlier century is frustrating and probably pointless. More recently, I have participated in the warm and friendly online Unitarian Universalist message board and chats and occasionally the religious freedom message boards in the ACLU area. But, alas, the sheer magnitude of the junk e-mail in my in-box as well as the censorship and technical glitches are finally leading me to think about cancelling my AOL account. Fortunately, GeoCities is offering a deal I'd be crazy to refuse, and I look forward to joining the friendly community here in the Athens neighborhood!
I support the
against Internet censorship.
Fight the Right
Groups working to counter the current movement of our society back toward a benighted dark age of religious fundamentalism include The Interfaith Alliance, The Fight the Right Network, The Institute for First Amendment Studies (IFAS), Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Basic Rights Oregon (fighting the OCA). This list is obviously not comprehensive. It's hard to believe how few people still understand the history of our country and the damage to American democracy that will be done if we discard the Constitution.
Why are some fundamentalist Christian sects so intolerant ? Could they have fooled themselves with misinformation and paranoid fantasies?
Politics as Usual
I'm no longer all that worried about the Speaker of the House, but it's still fun to skewer him (and his twin Rush). You can keep tabs on Newt at the NewtWatch Home Page.
Some other political resources include The PERSON Project, the Progressive Home Page @igc
and Turn Left.
Secular Innuendo
For useful pointers to secular issues, try the WWW Virtual Library--Secular Issues, the SKEPTIC Annotated Bibliography, or Jeff Lowder's Home Page. Particularly useful are the Atheism Web and
Atheism hot links at freethought.
The Arizona Secular Humanists have a great site. Their extensive Intro to the Bible and Biblical Problems was good food for thought, but appears to be gone. I'll let you know if I find a new URL for it.
The Dark Bible is also a good source for debunking the bizarre idea that a literalist Bible supports goodness or morality.
Atheist Quotations are served up at the Atheist Fortune Cookie site. But you get several in a row, like it or not. Another option is to access one fortune at a time.
Joel's Atheism Page has some good pointers to related sites, and another good starting point is the Atheist Express from the Atheist Network.
Hounded by torch-waving believers? Try The Atheist's Ammunition Page
Also check out the home page of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Campus Atheists and Agnostics and say hello to Hypatia for me at the North Texas Church of Freethought.
Idolatries By the Book
Just when you thought your child was safe from brainwashing, the Creationists are staging a comeback and are trying to put literalist Bible dogma in public school science classrooms all over the country. Apparently, no amount of evidence is enough to convince them that their so-called literal interpretation of the Bible is 135 years out of date. For a good antidote to their mindless blather, try the Talk.origins Archive, which contains some great FAQ files to refute their crafty pseudo-science and devious misquotes. Or a good brief overview of the Creationist controversy can be found at the Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance. See also
Glen Kuban's Paluxy Information. For a really good laugh, check out the Creation Research Society for a good example of their convoluted (il)logic. For an even bigger laugh, try this link. There is good reason all higher courts which have considered the issue over the years have ruled that what Creationists are touting ain't science. Not convinced of that? Then you need to read Judge Overton's complete decision in the MacLean v. Arkansas Board of Education case. Clark Dorman's web page includes the text of the McLean v Arkansas decision and a great discussion of religion and atheism, etc.
Why should you care about Creationists? Click Here.
Satan? No, We're Fighting Evil Aliens from Outer Space
And speaking of psychopathic cults, Newman's Scientology page is a starting point for links about the ongoing Scientology controversy. The Scientologists, unlike the Creationists, don't just use the courts to censor their opponents; they prefer to illegally harrass and threaten their critics, and if that doesn't work they come and kick the door in and take your property. And you thought the Bill of Rights applied to everybody! Oh, what the hell; here is a further smattering of Scientology links:
- skeptic.com
- Tilman
- Sloth
- CNN story
- Karen Spainck's Home Page
- FactNet 3 Defense Fund
Bubba, Fire Up That Thar Cross
And finally, in the "things to scare you so bad you'll spit your coffee all over your keyboard" department, we have the
location of the Christian Identity pages. (They seem to run all over the internet, and getting their current URL can be quite a challenge). Can you say "Kristallnacht II", boys and girls? Yes, these people are actually serious. At first, I confused these people with the Christian Reconstructionists, who are scary in their own right, but I have since been informed that they are not at all the same thing. My mistake! It's easy to get confused about religious conservative groups when they are conspiring to confuse us with Newspeak such as calling a bunch of lawyers out to find a way around the U.S. Constitution the "American Center for Law and Justice", and such as calling a group of paranoid homophobes "Focus on the Family".
A Little Island of Sanity
Unitarian Universalism is a small religious denomination (apparently, 60 % of U.S. citizens haven't even heard of it). But it has a long venerable history and connections to a lot of famous people including quite a few of the founding fathers and mothers. More importantly, it's one of the last bastions of tolerance left these days, with the current oxymoronic trend toward "religious conservatism." And hence the denomination is growing rapidly. UUs are in my experience both intelligent and tolerant, and if you also have those attributes, you are welcome to join the online AOL UUs in their message board or weekly chat sessions, or in their active listserve list, newsgroup and IRC chat room. For more information about UUism both online and off, download my UUism Primer file, which is probably getting a little out of date.
Good starting point Web links for Unitarian Universalism include
the Unitarian Universalist Association and the UU Hotlist (a great page with comprehensive UU links). Checking in at Mauudie's UUCafe Page is a good way to keep up on the thriving UU community on AOL and the Internet. For an archive of the older UUniverse newsletters, see also Jone's UUniverse Page.
A Few of my Online Friends and Acquaintances
Tasty Leftovers
Miscellaneous links on AOL and elsewhere include the Tarot site, if you're into that sort of thing (to download GIFs of all the cards, go here). I like the pretty archetypal pictures.
The Censor-U Movement is working diligently to help protect us from the Satanic influence of complex thoughts and offensive ideas.
Make sure you get the holy Microsnot Word about when they will be issuing software to help you conveniently purge any troublesome non-Microsnot products from your PC.
Needless to say, all of this will soon be moot, since the Illuminati is inexorably taking over the world, as they've already done with the U.N..
No home page would be complete without a link to the Dilbert site, of course.
And the Mike Rosoff Network, a loose parody of MSN, is an interesting implementation of humor for world-weary cynics like myself.
Text Files to View or Download
You can download a large list of media e-mail addresses. I got this file from somewhere, and I'll give them proper attribution just as soon as I remember what their URL was.
My UUism Primer is an introductory collection of history, beliefs, etc. for the Unitarian Universalist religion. In the past, it has been a popular download in AOL's Humanism Library in the Religion and Ethics area, and now it is here for the enjoyment of the wider Internet community.
You can also read/download the Realist. This electronic newsletter was until recently published by Gofreemind for the AOL Atheist community. I have the following issues available:
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11 |
There is also a special issue containing one side of the story concerning the controversy in December 1995 over possible censorship of the Atheism message board by the host of the Religion and Ethics area.
The Online Realist has recently been reconstituted under new a new editor. We now have the November '96 issue.
Read about how the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) organization discriminates against Atheists (hint: if you are an Atheist, you can't join). One hopes that they aren't receiving any kind of government support, since that would be a violation of the First Amendment.
Perpetually under construction. (I bet you're tired of seeing that little guy with the shovel, and you'd probably love to rip his lungs out. If so, then feel free to download the GIF, blow it up real big on your screen, and then sledge-hammer your monitor. It'll help relieve stress. Really.)
Yes, I have been reading too many Dilbert cartoons. Why do you ask?
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