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Holly's Quotes

The idea to start collecting quotes wasn't an idea at all; it was just something that happened one day because I had an extra spiral notebook laying around. In 8th grade, I read a sentence from Dickins' A Tale of Two Cities that seemed particularly interesting, and I grabbed the notebook and wrote it down. Later, snippets of songs and bits of poems found their way into the notebook. Eventually, my collection evolved into what it is today, with quotes from sources ranging from Nietzsche to Homer Simpson.

Each of these quotes was chosen because it reflected my personal beliefs or opinions, or in some cases I wrote them down just because I found them interesting or funny. Each page contains 30 quotes each, and there are currently 4 pages. I have chosen not to break them up into categories, because when I go "looking" for quotes, I'm usually not looking for anything in particular, just something interesting or inspiring.

(If you don't want to view the pages in order, click here for the index)

Graphics Courtesy of Laurie's Graphics

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