Johnnie Johnson
"On the 6th June 1944 the invasion of Normandy commenced. The RAF was of course a major combatant and formed part of a dedicated Allied force tasked with freeing Europe. V-E Day finally signalled the end of hostilities on the 8th May 1945. During those bitter months many great air battles were fought in the unforgiving skies and individual combats ensued. One such is depicted here displaying the eerie feeling of the victor and vanquished between two of the greatest aircraft ever built. On this occasion the Spitfire pilot in victory and the Me 109 pilot lucky to escape to safety. Never before in the history of war had such an impressive and awesome gathering of aircraft come together. The Allies quest was for freedom with the Luftwaffe fighting for its very existence. Johnnie was the first allied pilot to land in France after D day.
Johnnie was the top scoring Allied fighter ace in
the European theater. His titles were: Air Vice-Marshal J. E.
"Johnnie" Johnson CB, CBE, DSO, DFC, Legion d'Honneur,
Legion of Merit, DFC (USA), Air Medal, Order of Leopold, Croix de
Guerre, DL.
"Great pilots are made not born..... A man may posses good eyesight, sensitive hands, and perfect coordination, but the end product is only fashioned by steady coaching, much patience and experience." Air Vice Marshal J.E. "Johnnie" Johnson, RAF.