The Bible*Science Exchange |
Thank you for visiting the Bible*Science Exchange. This site was hacked and all its content deleted. Please be patient, it will be up and running soon. Thank you. Ron Harvey 11-11-2007
What is BSE? The Bible*Science Exchange is the life long quest to find truth anywhere I can and in anything I can.
It is my firm belief that for science to progress to the next level and to discover wonders far beyond anything discovered thus far they must acknowledge the spiritual essence in nature and give creedence to the creator of all things; God himself.
And that Christianity needs to quit distancing itself from science. Yes Christians will use scientific knowledge only when it serves to uphold their position and poo- poos it when it does not.
There is a synergy in Science and Religion that neither wants to conceed to.
This Site, The Bible*Science Exchange since its' creation in 1984 as a dialup BBS in Long Beach, California and its' Internet rise in 1994 has sought to show this is true.
I hope to make this better than it ever was before. |
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Ron Harvey |
Email: |
ronharvey@rccs[NO-SPAM].info |