The Common Man's Faith

First sunburn of 2007
Brent Braten
March 2007

Greetings and welcome to The Common Man's Faith, my little home on the world wide web. My name, as you can tell from the caption, is Brent Braten. Who I am . . . well, that has yet to be determined as it is a function of how the things I say and do influence and impact those I come into contact with, either in person or through reputation, both now and in the future. My hope is that something I either say or do will encourage you to begin thinking about the lives you lead and the names you are making for yourselves.

Am I perfect? No, I am just an ordinary man: a thinker, writer, observer and student of this thing we call Life. I guess you could also say that I am something of an optimist. I don't know if the glass is half full or half empty but I do know that just because we haven't done something before does not mean it is impossible; all it means is that we haven't tried the right combination of elements yet.

This site is being dedicated to exploration of possibilities. As you are about to learn, one of my hobbies is writing.  My natural writing style, however, contains a rather interesting twist to it that you will not find in many main-stream publications. I tend to write science-fiction and fantasy stories with any number of spiritually philosophical ideas and ideals woven into the fabric of these stories. Please know that I do not write this way in order to advance any personal agendas; it is just the way I write.

This web site has been broken up into three major sections. The first major section consists of a few of my writings. These are included for two reasons. The first, as one of my long-term goals is to write a number of books dedicated to communicating at least a few of Life's more esoteric principles to the common, ordinary people of this world - those people with whom I identify on a deeply emotional level. The second reason is to introduce you to a rather unique writing style.

The second is dedicated to give you some idea as to the kind of human being I am. The areas dedicated to this task are the "About Me" and "Miscellaneous" pages.

My blog, if you want to call it that, is being dedicated to the exploration of at least a few of the possibilities that can be accessed trough meditation and (prayer). All I am going to say about this section, here, is, "Hang on to your hats, folks, because this is going to be a wild ride."